Author Topic: The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty  (Read 8785 times)


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« on: August 17, 2005, 03:04:42 am »
A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away....there lived three little pigs. Now, the gingerbread man said "row row row your boat through a carwash" and ran as fast as he could....until this lovely story was cut off due to an unfortunate banning for spamming. Wait, whats that you say? I have yet to be banned? Well...HAH!!! Take THAT, admins! *pelvic thrusts* whoo!!!....I mean...please take this virgin sacrifice, you gods amongst men. *hands over Jehuty*  8)
yk, omg t3h Umbrella corp ish da evilzorz? 0_o


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 03:09:15 am »
Zombies burst into the church and started eating everybody and devouring gameboys and such. Now this is how me and FND met. We burst into the church from the outside *cue cool action music* and we started blasting the hell outta the zombies. BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG!!!! And stuff happens! Then we escape in the nick of time as the church asplodes!!!


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 03:10:08 am »

url=] Come check it out! ;O[/url]
Skull says:
I'm just to damn 1337 for hell.


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2005, 03:13:27 am »
I'm trying to tell a story dammit!!! Anyways..... ahem. Me an FND later became pirates searching for One Piece (as mentioned in FND's intro thread) together we fought other pirates and looted the innocent. Fun stuff. What happens next you ask? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!! I mean One Piece. I mean... all hell, forget it. I'll tell ya our story tomorrow.


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2005, 03:15:26 am »
Ahh, yes. Now dont cream your pants just yet....but our adventure was pretty sweet. Now, sure....we may have had to become zombie prostitutes for a short time, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Now, it didnt last for all too long mind you...for not too long after that we came across a hobo who enlightened us in the ways of the force, and after honing the ability to grab a coke from across the room and float it over to our computer desks without having to move....we were recruited as storm troopers and served in the Death Star for awhile, that is...until it exploded and all that was left of us was brains in pickle jars. Sure, we got to ride around on purple bears named Bosko and had schemes for world domination....but eventually we lost funding and our show was cut out of "The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy", we went back to eating cheetos and playing megaman...lying in wait for danger to strike, and a chance to save the world once more.  :shock:
yk, omg t3h Umbrella corp ish da evilzorz? 0_o


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2005, 03:17:21 am »
So, that's when we became ninjas in Naruto, right? We had awesome theme songs (cuz ninjas have that you know). We thwarted evil and saved the world numerous times on occasion. Then, something happened. FND will continue for me.


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2005, 03:25:44 am »
Something horrible happened. We almost beat FF10 but we found out that our memory card was out of we put our heads together to come up with a devious plan...and it was to pull a candy heist. So we went to a nearby preschool, and stole as much candy from the little kids as possible to pawn off for a new memory card. It was as easy as taking candy from a baby...literally.


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2005, 01:43:09 pm »
Errr...... FND. Did you forget to log in? Whatever, I'll continue the story. After stealing candy and selling it on eBay for $1000 dollars a piece, we bought ourselves a new memory card and beat FF10. Then, we got bored. So, we went over to Mt. Koltz where we were trained in the arts of the blitz and stuff like that. Then, Ninja kirbies went after FND and I had to save him.  Yep, but then FND went over to the dark side because they handed out candy and free copies of Doom 4. I had to stop FND before he could take over the world and the videogame store at the corner of the street. So, I prepared my army of vicious kirby ninjas. What did FND have? An army of about a gazillion siths spewing out lightning everywhere. Of course I won in the end. But while our armies were fighting, FND, using his 1337 ninja skills, kidnapped the president. Luckily, I was a bad enough dude to save him. Eventually, we came face to face on top of a gigantic skyscraper. We would then have an epic battle to the death. It's like that fight at the end of a Jet-Li movie except stupider and filled with cheesy one-liners. After 25 minutes of fighting each other with our handleless kunais' and ninja stars, we charged at each other, screaming random crap at the top of our lungs, then *a bright flash of light and a sword slashing sound* *silence*


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2005, 03:39:42 pm »

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2005, 04:06:10 pm »
That's kinda the point, Herb. Yep, so anyway. This has been basically the story of our adventures.  So, reply everybody. ^_^

zOMG!!! 400 post for me. ^_^


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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2005, 04:59:42 pm »
Holy crap, as they say.



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The tales of ninjas and funny little monkeys named Jehuty
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2005, 05:54:49 pm »
Well, long story short................ we met in math class, The End ^_^