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Messages - Lazlo Falconi

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 477
General / Re: Lazy Forum Daze
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:02:55 am »
That's exactly the way it felt for me...

About myTPH / Re: i regret to inform you that tph is not quite dead yet
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:01:38 am »
Swiftman don't you start.

General / Lazy Forum Daze
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:37:37 pm »
The three most (Read: Only) active members are online right now. This calls for a post.

About myTPH / Re: i regret to inform you that tph is not quite dead yet
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:34:54 pm »

About myTPH / Re: i regret to inform you that tph is not quite dead yet
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:20:46 pm »

General Music / Re: What Are You Listening To Now
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:04:05 pm »
I just noticed that Monkeydog's avatar is a charmander. How gorgeous. Also: Sounds of Mario Kart: Wii.

General Games / Re: What are you playing?
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:03:09 pm »
God damnit it Sonic Adventure 2 Battle I have all but like four of the fucking emblems god damnit shit fuck fuck fuck.

Music / Re: cease and desisted
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:02:09 pm »
It's a (hilariously) terrible ska/surf band that just fucking parodies everything.

About myTPH / Re: i regret to inform you that tph is not quite dead yet
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:00:18 pm »

General / Re: Be alive, dammit!
« on: August 20, 2009, 10:27:52 pm »
When this thread was still active I was like "Egh..." But no you know it... I really hate it.

General Games / Re: What are you playing?
« on: August 20, 2009, 10:11:25 pm »
Mario Kart: Wii

And I'm thinking about playing the Wind Waker again... I liked that game a lot.

General / Re: Another Day on the McQuarrie
« on: August 20, 2009, 07:19:35 pm »
The wind ruffled Lazlo's hair a bit as he sat atop his perch on the Martian plateau. From here he could see the entire Martian capitol of New Constantinopolis, but the trees and bushes around him would keep him well hidden from all but the most sophisticated of tracking devices. It was a warm day, warmer than usual for Mars, but that could be attributed to the larger-than-normal sun in the sky. Mars had changed a lot since Jupiter was helioformed. He brought his spy scope to his eyes. The Imperial Martian Senator was meeting with someone, but his facial recognition software was having trouble deciphering what he was saying. If only I could read lips... He decided to scan the streets and see if anything of note was happening down there, when he came across Xteven Xavier.

Xteven was walking with a determined air. He looked as though he had someplace to be, though in reality he was just wandering the streets around the Capitol Building hoping to hear something important. Civil Propaganda posters were on nearly every wall, declaring war on McQuarrie If anyone knew where he was from, he'd be mauled.

A child screamed, then a woman, and soon the screams were spreading through the city. Everyone was staring up in amazement. Xteven looked up as well to see Deimos, the Martian moon used for staging military operations in space, breaking up. It was a remarkable sight, and both Xteven and Lazlo would have been watching in awe if they hadn't seen a new star created just days prior, but they had more important things to do.

The moon exploding had been an unfortunate distraction. Lazlo hated destroying anything that big, but he and Xteven had decided it was the only real way they could get done what they needed. Xteven rushed toward the Capitol building, with Lazlo watching intently. When Xteven disappeared into the building, Lazlo went back to the Imperial Senator's window. He was nowhere to be found, probably in a panic room somewhere.

Lazlo's comm unit crackled to life, "I've got the intel, rendezvous as scheduled." Xteven was only supposed to use the radio if there was any trouble, but Lazlo was glad to hear his friend's voice.

A few hours later, in a ratty cafe, they met to prepare for leaving. Xteven spoke first, "I've got everything, ship depots, training grounds, bases, platoon locations, Even a detailed description of the Senator's living arrangements."

Lazlo nodded, "Hear anything on the streets?"

Shaking his head, Xteven replied, "No, just general confusion. Most of the citizen's have never even heard of McQuarrie. Of course, some of them knew, and the rumors are wild, but nothing useful."

"Well I saw something interesting." Lazlo offered, "It appears the Grand Senator's afraid to attack McQuarrie. They've seen our weapons, and they know we can get aid from the Autobots. But his Secretary of Defense believes they can win if the Autobots stay out of it, and he's sure they will. The key is, they don't want to attack. They all hope McQuarrie will just lie down and surrender. Feh, not bloody likely. Not while I'm aboard anyway.

"It's gonna be hard to get back though." Lazlo continued, "Deimos put everyone on guard, and all incoming and outgoing ships are being search thoroughly. What's more... our ride left. Got scared of during the whole moon thing I think."

Xteven's face got darker with each sentance. A waitress came by to offer refills, but after seeing Xteven's scowl, decided against it. After she had gone,  he asked, "How do we get off this rock?"

Grinning, Lazlo pulled something out of his pocket, it looked like a small stylized triangle with a circle behind it. "With this. It's a prototype matter-energy transportation device. I err... 'found it' on the way here. Supposedly it will be able to convert our bodies into energy and 'beam' them to another location. It should be able to get us out of the atmosphere, but we'll need Argus to bring a ship to get us. I don't know how we'll do it though, we can't contact him, or the Martians will know we're around. Hell, even if we find some way to tell him to get us without them hearing, they'll shoot him down if he even comes near the planet."

Shaking his head, Xteven asked, "We can just stow away on a Martian ship."

Lazlo frowned, "And then what? No ships are heading toward McQuarrie, and we can't just hop out and ask them to let us transfer. You know how Martians feel about sto--Wait a minute..." Lazlo's grin returned, "There is a ship heading to McQuarrie soon."

A look of horror enveloped Xteven's face, "You don't mean... The liaison? Lazlo you're mad! If they... If they find us, we're toast!"
"You got a better idea?"

Xteven thought hard, and he continued thinking hard, every day trying to figure out another way, but 23 days passed, and still he had no clue. The liaison's ship was leaving the next day, and he was out of time.

It hadn't taken Wolf long to find McQuarrie, he just had to head toward the only star in the system. He noted that everything was oddly shaped as well, from the cloud of asteroids lining the outer edge, to the orbits of the planets. He wondered if something massive had happened, but didn't have time to think it out.

He had heard that McQuarrie was welcoming to visitors, so he sent Panther in to investigate. Wolf had wanted to go, but being a wolf in a crowd of humans had always made him stick out. Leon and Panther always had to do the spywork, but Leon was a madman, and probably would have ruined the mission. Panther was the only logical choice, though Wolf could have gone without is incessant flirting. He was always too busy paying attention to the girls than to his mission.

Wolf sighed, he should have brought others, but the Gate system couldn't transport more than three ships this far, and Leon and Panther were his best pilots. They wouldn't fail him, he could be assured of that. Failure was not accepted in the Star Wolf Team.

The small rock--he hesitated to call it a planet, it was so small, but stars don't have moons--he was on hid him from McQuarrie's scanners, and let him get glimpses of their communications, but with the background radiation of the star had kept him from learning much. It appeared Lazlo had left the day before, but Wolf was fine with waiting. He didn't care how long it took, as long as he got his payment.

General Music / Re: Favorite bands?
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:16:17 pm »
Hey, Michael was cool while he was still black! "Cuase it is killer... Thriller time!"
Anyway, I don't listen to music much. In fact, the only licensed CD I have is a They Might Be Giants that I won in a contest. And I only got that because I wanted some original artwork from one of my favorite comics. So I don't feel qualified to have a favorite band.

Also: Holy shit, how times change... Now all I ever do is listen to music. (And I no longer have that CD thank-you-very-much Andrew "Xteven Xavier" Xtevens)

General Music / Re: What Are You Listening To Now
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:14:49 pm »
Telephone Line
by Electric Light Orchestra
on A New World Record

General Music / Re: Favorite bands?
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:12:51 pm »
Forgot about this thread...

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