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You Know What's Bullshit

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You know what's bullshit? All these movies about Mama Luigi. Why's there so many? Because people love 'em! "Aw, look at Yoshi, he's so cute! Don't you just love that little fucker? Isn't he fucking funny?" Look, I have nothing against Mama Luigi, but it's not like its the single most amazing thing in the world. That would be I am Weasel. It's awesome, and the ultimate proof that Cartoon Network had an outrageous sense of humor in the comedy that's called double entendre. Now why can't we see some movies with that? Because everyone wants fucking Mama Luigi instead! And that's bullshit.

I think I'm the only person who never liked I Am Weasel that much.

You know whats Bullshit you ripping offthe Angry Video Game Nerd. its total dog shit and I'd rather have buffalo take a diaria dump in my ear. but I agree with you too. Mama Luigi is old. All these new Mama Luigi movies fucking suck, they sucking fuck,there a piece of shit and I dont like them!

p.s. the only thing that made I am wiesle funny was I are baboon

In case you didn't notice, that was his speech word for word, except penguins replaced by Mama Luigi.

I know and I was using all of his Vocab


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