TPH > Music

UPDATE [2005.02.12]

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--- Quote from: "Herb" ---jeez, just when i thought i had enough megaman songs BAM 81 + 11 more songs!!!! Im gonna have to play wily wars soon, because last time i played it i thought it was bad because it wasnt the exact megaman im used to
--- End quote ---

Yeah, to me it seems a bit strange.  Have you ever noticed that Megaman's shots are a bit slower than they are in the NES games?  Seems like you can fire faster in the NES games, I mean.

Just try firing a shot in that one floodgate part of Wily's Castle in Mega Man to see how slow they really go. =)

yep ... it's especially annoying if you shoot something the shots bounce off of three times, because then you have to wait friggin forever for the shots to go off the screen to be able to fire again or change weapons. :/ i still love my wily wars, though.

Yeah. Wily Wars was a great game. I like pretty much all 8-16 bit remakes, like the power battle/fighters cps2 games. I just like hearing my favorite songs remade into improved quality.
This site is simply amazing. You cover games I've never even heard of! Excellent job, protoman.

Protoman, you're the most caring webmaster I've ever seen.
I bet they sound alot better than in .gym format, but hardrive space is an issue. :cry:


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