TPH > Music

Why is the MM8 Boss theme edited?

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I was listening to the Mega Man 8 Boss Theme and I noticed that there's a part of the song that's cut out. The songs repeats before it's fully played. I was listening on my PSX version of Mega Man 8 just to be sure and there's definitely an extra part to the song.

that's interesting. i'll be sure to rip the psx version when i redo mega man 8 if it turns out to be different. (it's possible i just cut it off too early.)

Is there anyway you can check soon ,I really wanted that song. Do you have the PSX version of MM8? Maybe you can just check that to see what I mean.

Actually I just listening to the song on my PSX version again and there isnt a part there isnt anything cut out actually. It's just that my version sounds abit....different at one part ,it's the part right before it repeats. It's weird ,I can't really explain it. You said you got the MM8 songs from the Saturn version right? I guess the MM8 boss theme is slightly different on the Saturn version.

since i don't have the psx version of mm8 at present, it might be a little difficult to do it soon ... sorry. :/


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