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General => General => Topic started by: Bladegash on June 13, 2005, 10:42:24 am

Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Bladegash on June 13, 2005, 10:42:24 am
Some dude named Andypro over at sdkess's site managed to beat Mega Man without dying once! Check it out here:

Note: The file is 100MB, so beware!
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Trigger on June 13, 2005, 10:44:20 am
Megaman1? Damn....If I didn't just suck at Gutsman's stage, I might be able to do that too!! grrr....stupid railing droper thingies!! *kills them*

But I can beat MM2 without dieing, and MM3. :D
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: the_broom on June 13, 2005, 10:59:23 am
Did that guy do the elec beam-select trick? If not, I hope he had a hard time with Yellow Demon. I know for a fact that megaman 1 is a freakin hard game.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Bladegash on June 13, 2005, 11:23:50 am
Nope, no select trickery here.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Herb on June 13, 2005, 11:33:02 am
if it were any other megaman game, i wouldnt be impressed, butmm1 is actualy REALLY hard

as for me, i can beat MM 2 GB without dying (wow, big deal) but notony that, i can also do it without getting hit or MISSING A SHOT (seriously, ive done it about twice) and ive memorized how many hits with every weapon it takes to kill and enemy
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on June 13, 2005, 12:15:16 pm
Funny... I found Mega Man I easier than II... III as well seemed harder.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: RobotKnight Crystal on June 13, 2005, 03:52:57 pm
MM1??? boy I myself never beat that yellow demon from the first stage of Willys fortress, in fact my brother did that :P

But I am pro at MMX XD finished it once without dying neither using Energy/weapon tanks neither hadouken trick XD Also beat Sting chameleon and Boomer Knager without picking the boots of the armor XD (skipped Chill Peguin:P)
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Swiftman on June 13, 2005, 05:53:54 pm
You beat Sting without the dash boots? woah, you ARE good. I thought I was good when I beat Sigma with nothing but a buster, uncharged.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: RobotKnight Crystal on June 13, 2005, 06:00:44 pm
Ern fighting Sting without boots is easer than fighting Boomer this way, Sting doesn´t require much speed, just precision, and the lack of boots can even help you :) But Boomer... its neraly impossible to evade him by jumping and running around XD But it was funny when I kicked him with X unbooted feet >D

Now... Sigma with just a buster uncharged? You did use energy tanks there, didn´t you? please say you did! O.O
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Trigger on June 13, 2005, 06:55:17 pm
Quote from: "Swiftman"
You beat Sting without the dash boots? woah, you ARE good. I thought I was good when I beat Sigma with nothing but a buster, uncharged.

That in-itself is impossible, unless you hacked or made a custom password for MMX1. Not only do you have to get the Charged buster fror Zero when he dies (Or get it earlier in Flame Mammoths stage), AND you HAVE to get the Leg armor in Chill Penguins stage, so you can acualy get to him.

So, was it a code, or did you find someone to hack you a save state file?

UNLESS I completely read that wrong and totally made an idiot of myself when saying that... I feel like it's option 3. ;_;
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Swiftman on June 13, 2005, 08:18:20 pm
Not his final form, just his first one, including the dog too. No e-tanks, just my own skill. (You know how hard Storm Eagle is without the dash boots? He's designed to completely obliderate you without them, and he does a good job with that.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: RobotKnight Crystal on June 13, 2005, 11:42:58 pm
ern... I ve seen a lot of ppl fight Storm without boots, a bit hard, but yet far easer than boomer XD

But about Sigma, my praises really XD Your hands must have bleed after the fight O.O
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Thunder Man on June 14, 2005, 12:26:30 am
The wierd thing is that I always thought that the later series were harder than the eairlier ones. Like MM I, II & III. IV, V, VI & VII seems the hardest to me. I've barely played the X series and I haven't tried VIII yet.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Swiftman on June 14, 2005, 08:11:13 am
Quote from: "RobotKnight Crystal"
But about Sigma, my praises really XD Your hands must have bleed after the fight O.O

Not really. In fact, it's almost as good as using E Spark, since the shots travel faster, they just do one damage instead of two. And, with 2 e tanks, I can beat his second form with the X-buster (charged)
I'm just good at platform games. It's a game I have instincts for.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Trigger on June 16, 2005, 08:58:11 am

...But can you beat the whole game, with no charged shots? ;P

Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Kagemitsu on June 16, 2005, 09:40:22 am
Yeah, Swiftman can beat megaman 3 (NES) and Megaman X (SNES) with nothing but the buster. (uncharged in X, excluding the final boss. I've seen him do it, and on cartridge too.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Superyoshi on June 16, 2005, 03:10:48 pm
Erm, am I the only one who thinks beating Sigma's Dog (Whatever his name is...Valgdagar or something) and his Jedi form without using the chargeed buster is VERY easy?  No offense, Swiftman.
Title: Who wants to watch someone play Mega Man rather well?
Post by: Swiftman on June 16, 2005, 09:59:15 pm
No offense taken, Superyoshi. Heck, Broom can beat both the dog and Jedi Sigma easy, and I surpass Broom by quite a bit. (except in metal warriors....)