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Messages - Jody

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General / If that's what everybody wants, then fine, I'm leaving!
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:59:50 pm »
XD Oh silly kevs. Just stay if you want to help this forum get better. If you care about this forum, you'd stay, and help us restore it's potential. I know a bunch of people are going to hate me for saying this, but I strongly encourage you to stay. We might need your enthusiasm, to help us with this project. It's not a one or two person deal, we all need to do our part.

So, speaking for myself and only myself, you are welcome to stay and help, if you want.

Or if you're just going to be a nard and do nothing and annoy people, then it's better you just leave.

General / If that's what everybody wants, then fine, I'm leaving!
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:57:19 pm »
'Kay, see ya back here tomorrow. Ciao.

General / The downfall of TPH. It is inevitable. And it is soon.
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:50:37 pm »
I have good shit to say sometimes. XP

General / The downfall of TPH. It is inevitable. And it is soon.
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:46:23 pm »
I agree that this place is falling apart, and I truly want to make it better. In my opinion, making things better with Kasai helped alot on my part, since that was the only major thing I did to spam and bring hate around here, besides my recent flaming of megakevin. But, yeah. I'll try to do my part to make this place better. I like this place tons, I don't want it to be ruined. All the people here pretty much rock, it would suck to see this place fall. I'm just too hot tempered and once someone says something stupid, I blow up, which makes things worse. I'm trying to get better about that though.

So that's me. What about you people? You go here, you contribute to the shit that happens here, but when we actually need you to help us fix this place, will you? Of course you won't. I hope that's not the case though; I hope you atleast try. Because shit. If Proto's not around, it will always be his, but we have to keep it going. I, for one, would feel pretty damn frustrated to admit defeat and let our forum empire crumble. And i'ts not that fucking hard, either. Stop being all hateful of your enemies. Stop flipping out about stupid stuff. All's it does, is make a riot. And what does that get us? Frustration? Anger? Member loss? Yeah, pretty sure we'd all be quite dandy without that crap.

So, do your thing. We've tried this before, but fucking do it. It's not like going through a jungle with no food or water, or climbing a mountain, all you do, is be civil. CIVIL. That's not being nice, that's not hating, that's atleast being decent. I don't give a shit if you respect certain members here or not, and I don't care if you say something like 'wow that was stupid' at another person or something, but don't let it get out of hand. Take responsibility, or you might as well leave, because all you are here is dead weight.

« on: December 19, 2005, 09:38:31 pm »
@ NMX: He is a mod, he just doesn't ever go.

General / Does this forum need another moderator?
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:37:44 pm »
I feel challenged.


I'm an admin at my own site, of which is fairly popular.
I'm a mod at 2 other successful sites (ToE and MMtL)
I get along with most everyone.
I suffiently pwn people
I'm able to tell people to knock stuff off without being a bitch
I can be a bitch when needed (LOL You know it to be true)
I'm usually nice and can maintain my cool and manage problems without blowing up

I'm Jody, get a card, call me when ya need me. *SHOT*

(Yeah this is pretty much a joke)

« on: December 19, 2005, 09:32:45 pm »
A good one at that. ^_^

General / Does this forum need another moderator?
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:32:01 pm »
*Lists all the reasons I would be an awesome mod, then is shortly after killed, but laughs about it anyway*

About myTPH / Ban megakevinexe
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:30:00 pm »

You. Fucking. Idiot. Megakevin, my god. You're a fucking dolt. Yeah, I said I wouldn't flame you, well too fucking bad, you pissed me off. You don't want us to yell at you, because it'll make things worse. Well you little fuckhead, quit making it out like you do nothing. You did. You came back, you provoke us, you're a little fucking n00b with one fourth of a brain, if that, and only half of it works (probably less than that but for the sake of arguement, bare with me). So yeah, you're the only one here making things worse you dick. Just, go away or something. Being here isn't doing you any good. You being here isn't doing us any good. If you're so worried about what's making this forum 'worse', you'd notice it was you. Hokay?

Also, you cocky son of a bitch, you don't know squat. You're not gonna get banned? Yeah, well, sure. You keep thinking that. Pretty sure whatever the outcome is isn't going to be reliant on what the fuck you have to say about it. Also, don't go and whine at the mods, telling them how you did nothing and all that bullshit. I'll put it simply: You are annoying little douchebag. You know nothing. You bother people. You act like you want what's best for this forum, when all you want is to piss us all off.

So just fuck off already, jeez.

General / Let there just be peace.
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:21:44 pm »
I'm undecided on this peace thing. Things get pretty boring when there's no peace, yet when there isn't peace, we all want it.

Indifferent. I'll be there to slug the bastards in the face who want to be assholes. (With the exception of NMX cuz' he can't help himself. XD)

« on: December 19, 2005, 07:32:04 pm »
LOL oh yeah, I remember. I'm sorry. XD *Hugs Kas* You're welcome back, if ya wanna. I'm not really into forcing people to go to my site, I may joke about it, but I don't really care. Just, whatever. XP

« on: December 19, 2005, 07:30:14 pm »
Well you can only ask for so much. *Shot*

« on: December 19, 2005, 07:29:03 pm »
Well, for all of you that didn't know, me and DORIFTAH have a site: Entrance to Infinity. It's been slowing down lately, and I'm like ZOMGWTF, so I'm gonna whore advertise and see if I can scoop up some members. ;D

Yeah, it's pretty fun there, I think. Right now it's pretty small, but it's still loads of fun, atleast I think so. Some of the people from ToE are there, but it's not very ToEish, thank god. XD (You know I wuvs ya NMX XP) And I think a pretty awesome RP could be started there if anyone was interested. Sooo, check it out if you're bored, m'kay?

Kthnx. <3

Ze Link:

Edit: LOL I forgot the link was in my sig. XDDD Oh well.

« on: December 19, 2005, 07:18:14 pm »
Well... on a different note, we may not all like megakev, but as this being a public board, he has the right to be here. Whether we like it or not. I say we keep the flaming to a minimum. Atleast let him stick around, and don't bash every comment he says. I contributed to this a little, but really guys. Trash talking everything a person says because you don't like them just doesn't fly. I mean, I'm not really one to talk, but I'm trying to be better about it. Even when I didn't get along with Kasai (who is now my homie XD), I didn't bash EVERYTHING she said, and I didn't down talk her ALL the time. So really, just lay off him for a while. Atleast give him a chance to improve and not be such a n00b.

So, I officially stop flaming kev, until he does something that annoys the shit out of me.


General / Does this forum need another moderator?
« on: December 19, 2005, 07:15:28 pm »
Yeah, we need a mod. And I should totally be it*SHOT*

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