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General => General => Topic started by: Swiftman on October 25, 2005, 03:41:12 pm

Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Swiftman on October 25, 2005, 03:41:12 pm
Made ya look! ^_^

Anyways... *coughs*

I've been wondering how I can go about this Social assignment.

I was assigned to take a current event from the country I've been given and present it in an interesting fashion.

I was assigned Japan.

I'm wondering.... Should I do an actual news post, or do the "It is hot." thing that Japan ACTUALLY does, as Azrael has taught us on Japanese newscasting.

Should I go for the full on marks, or get a good laugh and present the truth that Az shares with us?
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 25, 2005, 03:42:58 pm
Go for the laughs. Even if it turns out not too good, if your teacher (and some of the class) laughs, you're likely to get a slightly better grade anyway.
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Swiftman on October 25, 2005, 03:44:16 pm
Kewl..... keh keh keh keh! Now to round up some other people to play the people to go "it is hot."

I'll start out on that, but if anyone else has any input....
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 25, 2005, 03:46:11 pm
If I had a webcam I'd definatly record "IT IZ HAWT!!!!!!!!11ONE" for ya.
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Swiftman on October 25, 2005, 03:46:56 pm
*looks at own sig*

I can't imagine what the Falconi's would do with a webcam..... *steamroller'd*
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Byte Man Zero on October 25, 2005, 03:48:21 pm
Neither can I...
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 25, 2005, 03:50:57 pm
I'd be a camgirl.
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Swiftman on October 25, 2005, 03:56:09 pm
And Kasai a Camguy? heh heh heh.... ^_^
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 25, 2005, 03:57:52 pm
I would implode Kasai's face if she tried to use it.
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Swiftman on October 25, 2005, 03:58:34 pm
With what? The Mighty Latino Powers? *insert little TM thing*
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: jv2k on October 25, 2005, 03:59:27 pm
Lazlo we all know you can't be a cam girl after the accident...
you tried to hard, if you do it again you'll DIE!
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 25, 2005, 03:59:52 pm
I'd use my hands, like on Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go (Yes, I saw someone squish a dudes head untill it exploded on a disney cartoon)
Title: Descent plug time!
Post by: jv2k on October 25, 2005, 07:05:35 pm
Its not disney its jetx, I've seen a few episodes, not that bad considering its uber anime inspired, and they even copied the limited animation of old.