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Messages - Swiftman

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General Music / Alternate PC game music
« on: February 05, 2005, 08:52:20 pm »
Yeah, I've done what geminiman has done. When my dos computer's sound card broke, and I had no sound, I put some megaman x4,5, and 6 on a cd and lisented to that in place of the actual songs. Many of them went with the style of game and levels very well, and to this day I turn the music off and listen to that instead.

General Music / Favorite Metroid Music
« on: February 05, 2005, 08:48:18 pm »
metroid: the first level
metroidII: The first level
supermetroid: The first area/room where your ship is after a few bosses and it stops raining.
metroidfusion: Battle angainst SA-X (for the last time, when you can actually damage her)
I haven't played any primes or zero mission.

General Music / Alternate PC game music
« on: February 04, 2005, 07:37:07 pm »
not really give a listen, since you have to play through the game a while for full effect. Imagine, if you will, listening to the ninja turtle theme song while being swarmed by zerglings.

About myTPH / ... Hi?
« on: February 04, 2005, 07:34:33 pm »
I think a good place for the forum would to have a little link under the launch button for the forum. A little, not in-the-way link, yet noticeable enough to see it. The whole site seems that way. Very small and compact, yet a breeze to surf through, even to modem users like me, that can't download over 3 kb a second. (not very good for the x5+ songs that are over five megs, but I'm patient. I can still download them.

Music / Anniversary Collection
« on: February 04, 2005, 07:27:27 pm »
Thanks, Protoman. But, I just had to compliment on the naviagtion. It's so easy. Other mp3 sites you have to click back lots, but here you don't need to, nor do you have the oppurtunity to!

I commend you on a very astounding site.
Please forgive me on what I am about to do next.


General Music / Alternate PC game music
« on: February 04, 2005, 07:09:11 pm »
I'd like for some of you to try this out.
Download some wacky, comepletely out of place music, say teenage mutant ninja turtle for SNES, and turn the music off in, say, starcraft or dune 2000,  and play those songs in the background instead. Let me tell you, it is QUITE... what's the word I'm looking for.... Wacky, I guess is the closet I can come to.

Seriously! Give it a gander!

Comix / Comic viewing
« on: February 04, 2005, 06:36:50 pm »
Plain internet explorer, and my resolution is pretty high. I can fit all of the forum (horizontally) in one page. Higher than my school computers. (I'd use arachne, the DOS internet explorer, but my old 14.4 modem for my old dos computer is way too slow to load anything.)

General Games / Faorite non-megaman game
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:34:18 pm »
What game out there, other than Megaman, is your favorite series or favorite single game out there?

I personally really like the r-type games by Irem. R-type 3 for the SNES was genius.

Comix / Comic viewing
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:32:25 pm »
Is there a way to read Overwing's comic through a scrolling window instead of scaling it all down? It's kinda annoying to read it that way.

Thanks in advance.

Music / Favorite Songs?
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:27:39 pm »
Well, I have a number of favorites.

mm1: elecman. It's different from all the other stage musics.
mm2: The first wily stage song, especially the power fighters upgraded version.
mm3: SPARKMAN! Damn, that song is great.
mm4: Diveman. It's quite relaxing...
mm5: I found Chargeman's theme to be pretty catchy.
mm6: The boss song. One of the best in megaman history, I think.
mm7: The fianl battle song. That'd make a sweet song if upgraded to 32-bits like in megaman X4+.
mm8: I like the boss song here too.
mm9: Dynamoman has a sweet song. I like it.

mmx: Flame Mammoth! THAT is a good song.
mmx2: Zero's theme. If you've heard it, you'd like it too.
mmx3: I came up with lyrics to the tunnel rhino song.
mmx4: Magma dragoon has the priveledge of having an excellent stage music.
mmx5: The people who made Dynamo's theme were genius's.
mmx6: The sigma battle. Nice remix of the old, with some of the new.
mmx7+: Haven't played the ps2 megaman's.

mmz: The trane stage is brilliant!
mmz2: The plain walking around the base song. I like songs that sound like they'd be in a military movie.
mmz3: The first stage boss guy, aegis volcano area. Forget the boss name.
The megaman Zero series would make an excellent addition to the tph music section, I think.

mmL: The Gesellschaft I think is a cool name for an airship and it has an excellent theme song to boot.
mmL2: Never played it, so I wouldn't know.

There's my two cents.

Cartoons / dial-up cartoon loading
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:17:37 pm »
well, I'll wait til I move out and get high speed on my own time. My parent's dial-up is pretty horrible.

Thanks anyways, Protoman.

Cartoons / dial-up cartoon loading
« on: February 03, 2005, 05:42:53 pm »
I waited about ten, twenty minutes for it to load. That's long enough to download a 3 meg file on dial-up, and nothing happened. What size are the 56k video fiels, and from there I can estimate how long it'll take.

Music / Anniversary Collection
« on: February 03, 2005, 05:41:10 pm »
I agree. When i found this page a few years back, I was astounded. Such content, and it's presented in a very good, easy to navigate way with no pop-ups. Very excellent site, indeed.

General Games / Any Tetris fans out there?
« on: February 03, 2005, 12:35:45 pm »
I want to find Tengen Tetris for the NES. But, due to copyright issues, Tengen (the company) had to scrap all cartridges. From what I heard, there was a versus mode for two players. Two people filling one board at the same time, competing for points, screwing over your partner, it sounded sweet. Very rare, though. Definetly in the top ten of rarest games ever.

Cartoons / dial-up cartoon loading
« on: February 03, 2005, 12:32:23 pm »
Here on tph, how long would it take to load the megaman cartoon with 56k dial-up? I want to see the cartoons, and I don't have access to high-speed. Any guesses?

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