Author Topic: Favorite Songs?  (Read 43879 times)

Talon IceHawk

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Favorite Songs?
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2005, 10:44:47 am »
Alright, X series time.

X1-Sigma Stage 1
X2-Ending Theme
X3-Ending Theme (X and Zero running)
X4-Both Intro Stages take a tie
X5-Maverick Hunter Hunt
X6-Blaze Heatnix
X7,X8 and Command Mission, never played.

Xtreme-Magna Centipede
Xtreme2-Sigma Stage (the first)


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Favorite Songs?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2005, 11:05:38 am »
My favs:

MMX1: Sting Chameleon
MMX2: None
RMX3: Intro Stage, Zero's theme, Blast Hornet
MMX4: Storm Owl, Slash Beast, Jet Stingray, Boss Select, Magma Dragoon
MMX5: Dr. Light, Intro Stage (X), Grizzly Slash
MMX6: Sigma, Zero's theme, Boss Battle
MMX7: Boss Battle
MMX8: No songs heard

That's about it for me.


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Favorite Songs?
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2007, 07:19:24 am »
Yeah, I know this is old whateva.

Mega Man 1 : Wily Stage 2
Mega Man 2 : Wily Stage 1
Mega Man 3 : Top Man
Mega Man 4 : Wily Stage 1
Mega Man 5 : Napalm Man
Mega Man 6 : Mr. X Stage
Mega Man 7 : Burst Man
Mega Man 8 : Grenade Man
Mega Man and Bass (Super Famicom version, GBA has shitty music): Dynamo Man

Mega Man X : Intro Stage
Mega Man X2 : Morph Moth
Mega Man X3 : Zero
Mega Man X4 : Double
Mega Man X5 : Sigma Stage 1
Mega Man X6 : Metal Shark Player
Mega Man X7 : Flame Hinard or whatever the fuck his name was, I dunno this game sucked.
Mega Man X8 : Optic Sunflower


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Favorite Songs?
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2007, 09:58:26 am »
Megaman 8: Sword man stage
Megaman X1: Sigma final boss
Megaman X2: Wheel Aligator stage
Megaman X3: Toxic Seahorse stage
Megaman X4: Magma Dragoon Stage
Megaman X5: Boss music
Megaman X6: (Tough choice) Blaze Heatnix Stage

Edit: Also

Megaman legends: Either Gessellshaft or Tron Spider boss
Megaman legends 2: Geetz Battle
Magma Dragoon > All


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Re: Favorite Songs?
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2007, 04:17:24 pm »
Megaman: Network Transmission-Quick Man's Stage(The Bank)

I really like a lot of the music from that game..I'm suprised it's not up with the other music.

(Speaking of which, DDR SuperNOVA JP music ftw!)


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Re: Favorite Songs?
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2007, 08:26:01 pm »
These are mine, indefinitely:

MM 3: Top Man
MM 4: Bright Man
MM 7: Spring Man, Freeze Man, Robot Museum, Dr. Wily Stage 1, Turbo Man, Bass
MM X: Armored Armadillo
MM X2: Bubble Crab
MM X5: Duff McWhalen
MM X6: Opening Stage, Blaze Heatnix

It's all I can really grasp off the top of my head.. all of the games have wonderful soundtracks.


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Re: Favorite Songs?
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2007, 11:30:41 am »
Yeah, but it would be hard for me to narrow down my list down to one song per game, but it looks like you did. Well, except for Mega Man 7 and X6