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Topics - Lazlo Falconi

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General / Aahnyway...
« on: August 09, 2005, 02:27:38 am »
So, like... I'm feeling all down on myself today. I guess it's just one of those weeks that occur once or twice a year where I feel worthless and go into emo-dork mode. I'm really sorry. I don't like dumping my problems on my friends, but if I can't go to you guys, who can I?

As some of you may know, my life ain't that glamorous, and, as much as I don't like to admit it, it downright sucks. The real life that is, internet life is fine, I guess. It probably stems from the fact that I don't know how to talk to people, which was evidenced by the fact that most o fmy closest friends were around today, and I didn't say much to any of 'em.

Oh well, let's not dwell on this. I'm just posting this as an apology in advance for me being down this week. I really don't like not having fun, and even moreso when I think I might be effecting my friends with my bad moods.  Bah, just let me ask ya'll a favor: Please make me laugh. Laughing is the best thing one can do to lift any dour mood, in my opinion.

(And just so you know, this isn't the fault of anyone here, just a bad mood. Seriously, I love you all like a surrogate family. A really messed up family where incest occurs on a daily basis, but a family nonetheless.)


General / 'Sup, TPH
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:44:12 pm »

General / I need to tell you guys something...
« on: August 06, 2005, 01:09:00 am »
Once upon a time there was a cowboy named Texas Bob.
Texas Bob lived in St. Louis Missouri, where the big arch is.
Texas Bob had lived in St. Louis Missouri all his life.
And in fact, he had never been anywhere but...St. Louis Missouri.
People would stop Texas Bob on the street and say:
"Hey, Texas Bob, how come you're not called St. Louis Bob?"
And Texas Bob would answer:
"Tarnation! There's a snake in my boots!" or...
"Jumping Jehosafat! I just fell on a cactus dagnabit!"
Texas Bob worked in a shoe factory.
He lived with his dog, Texas Ernie.
Everyday there was a new adventure.
It's like that in St. Louis Missouri.
The end.

General / Judge Fricken Dredd.
« on: August 04, 2005, 08:46:09 pm »
So anyway, there I am in EB Games, trying to find Ikaruga and a cheap replacement for my SSBM disc(found neither), and then I saw Judge Dredd. I nearly wet my pants. That's one of the greatest movies ever, and it had a GameCube game? I knew I had to have this, and at only $20US, it was indeed worth it.
When you first start playing, it kinda sucks. You're in a room, and they tell you what to do. Okay, whatever. Voice actors are pretty good, though. So we learn how to take down criminals without killing them (unless we need to) and then the fun begins. Now we get to go out and judge the citizens, and if they try to run we can punch and shoot them! Punching is fun because it makes insane amounts of blood gush from a person's head. After a while, however, zombies attack. Freaking zombies attack Judge Dredd. This game is so awesome, I can't describe how much fun I have just kicking ass!
The graphics aren't too good, about the same level as Halo 1. But man, after a few minutes you don't even notice. Actually, I was here playing in the dark, and walking down some of those hallways, when a zombie falls from the cieling I actually jump. This game is scaring me, it's so totally hardcore.
Of course, having only played a bit of the game, I haven't heard all of the music, but what I've heard is great, and it goes perfectly with the environment.
Anyway... the game has some great billboards, "If your pets snuffed, get it stuffed!" as well as a few others that I can't think of.
Anyway, if you see this one and have ever had fun on any FPS, then pick this up. It's pretty badass.

General / New topic.
« on: July 31, 2005, 10:51:56 pm »
So anyway, here I am, reading comics, and I overhear my dad, "The Eighties made the Nineties look like the Twenties." Which is entirely true, so I yell out, "OWNED!"
However, my mom decides to interject, "I liked the Nineties..."
"Mom, the Nineties, much like the Seventies, were just  a transistion between two awesome decades."
To which my dad agreed. So I was wondering, what are some of your thoughts on the various decades of the 20th century?
As for me, it would have to be
80s > 50s > 00s(the current decade is included because it's so badass) > 60s >  70s > 30s > 90s > 1900s > 10s > 20s
Any thoughts?

General / Hm, that's lame...
« on: July 25, 2005, 10:24:08 pm »
Microsoft helps us again...
I gave them some feedback on thier tripe.

General / Wario Gush Time.
« on: July 22, 2005, 10:04:45 am »
Well, I thought that since Swift was plugging one of his favorite games at all times, I'd plug one that'd taken a few years off my life.
Wario Ware, Inc is not your regular Wario platform crappy game that we all hate. This is actually a completely new, and rather bizzare, yet awesomely fun game. Actually... it's kindo f old now, but ignore that. Anyway, the entire series has been great, but I really suggest picking up the orginal GBA cart for some awesome fun. You should play all of it to unlock the Poyoro game, that guy rules. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.

By the way, if you missed the link to a good review of it, click here

General / Who's free in October?
« on: July 22, 2005, 01:15:31 am »
I think we should all head down to the Bahama's in October. For those of you who don't know, the Bahama's are great fun. Well... not so much the islands, but the boat is. Along with all that free food. I was going on holiday in October anyway, so I though it might be fun if we all just planned to go on a cruise. We could call it TPHcon 2005, and make tee shirts. Then people could ask us, "What do those shirts mean?" and we could say, "DIEDIEDIE JUSDIE ZEEELLLOOO!!!"

All in favor?


General / You know what Swift?
« on: July 21, 2005, 09:23:38 am »
Some times I am inclined to think you're making it all up... And that's all I have to say about that.  :)

General / This is not notpr0n.
« on: July 18, 2005, 02:40:59 am »
I found something harder than notpr0n... I can't even get past level one here... I've tried everything I can think of...
Anyway, check it out, if you're not scared

Blargh, no wonder I couldn't get past level one.. damn me and my typos. Well... the other ones are pretty hard too..

About myTPH / Hey, wouldjya couldjya...
« on: July 15, 2005, 10:56:02 pm »
Hey, could you get one o' dem fancy PHP arcades some of those other forums have, just to give me something to do while waiting for new posts?

General / Yawn...
« on: July 15, 2005, 08:14:00 am »
I go to work in an hour, so here are some random images that I'm going to post for no reason...

I don't know what this is... found it on google... Looks almost like Ben Stiller...

...I don't know what any of these mean, I just did some random Google Image Searchs on not real words...

General / Worf, son of Mohg
« on: July 14, 2005, 06:56:10 am »
Freaking second coolest song ever.
Best song ever

If you haven't heard these before, get out of your freaking cave.

General / Post your workspace!
« on: July 14, 2005, 05:43:36 am »
This is where my games are. I play a varity encluding but not limeted to everything I own. Except Super Mario Sunshine, that game sucks. Anyway, you'll notice that the 'Cube isn't actaully hooked up, but instead my Super NES is. This is because I wanted to play with my Super GameBoy. Kudos to whoever can figure out what that game under the coins is.
And here is my computer desk. Bet you'll never guess what's ont he screen:

General / My puppies?
« on: July 14, 2005, 04:07:06 am »

Anyway, these are the dogs that hang out at my house a lot. We know who owns them, but they like coming to our house more. We want to adopt them, but the owner won't give them or even let us buy them for us, because he wants deer dogs. Not that these little ladies would ever do that. They're blue tick hounds, they're just not bred for it. Anyway, when they're at his house, he puts them in a pen out in the back, and they howl because they want to come over here, and when they're let loose, the come over here and hang out on our front porch. We often buy food and leave it out there for them, they're jsut so darn adorable. Thier names are Paulie and Ginger, but if we ever get rights to them, they'll be Zelda and Galaga :) My family's so freaking awesome.

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