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--- Quote from: "Kagemitsu" ---To answer Trigger's question, I can't talk offline (in real life) because as a kid I was in a really bad car accident and my vocal cords were utterly obliterated. They had no chance of healing, so the doctor just took them out. Now I get by with sign language and a chalk and chalkboard (ala Homer simpson) It works fairly well, but not quite up to speaking. All my other senses are fine. I just can't talk. Thanks for asking.
--- End quote ---



Well...there is but one solution....

We all gather together to build a robotic monkey with implanted voices (such as homer simpson XD) and he can talk for you. We have the technology!! =^-^=

But besides my stupid idea....that sucks man....Sorry to hear that...and I'm barely sorry for anything....

Words are one of the few things that allow people to express have that cut off....its not a good thing at all.


Lazlo Falconi:
That's not cool, not cool at all... But at least you have the internet.
Also: it sucks that you have no vocal cords, maybe if you ate someone else's...

Heh heh. Good to see ya, Kag. Welcome to the forums.
(Lazlo: I don't think eating someone else's vocal cords would work. Maybe I should find something for him like Stephen Hawkings little wheelchair dealy.)

that might work, but I'm not the fastest typer. I'm way better with sign language and hand-writing on a chalk board than typing.

for a price, we could all have shifts coming to your house and translating various things where sign language wouldnt work

and we could play tetris too


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