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Messages - Byte Man Zero

Pages: 1 ... 134 135 [136] 137
General / Senior High School Pics...
« on: October 25, 2005, 03:56:01 pm »
Hey, that was in '97.  I AM 26, y'know.  And the 80's never died, it just went into a coma.  After all, look at GTA:VC.

General / Descent plug time!
« on: October 25, 2005, 03:48:21 pm »
Neither can I...

General / Senior High School Pics...
« on: October 25, 2005, 03:25:59 pm »
Ok, folks!  I saw the overwhelming success of the post 'ya pics thread and thought, "Self, most people seem to hate their senior high school pics."  Well, at least those I meet i the real world do.

So, as a way to kill some time before class, I would like to start this new thread, where we all post our senior high photos (well, those on here who have graduated, that is.) and laugh at, and make fun of each other, all the while becoming closer as internet friends.

Waitaminute.  That's pretty much what we do in the rest of the forum.  Oh well, at least in this one, there's the anguish and angst of high school to re-live.

So, I will start off.

Be gentle.

General / The "lets talk about your day thread"
« on: October 25, 2005, 03:14:22 pm »
I was living alone at the second time.  During the first, it was a bad storm, and they couldn't see the sucker form.  They just thought that it was a freak hailstorm.  We DO have those here in Ohio.  Ever heard of the Xenia tornado of '79?  That was the finger of God, an F5, and I was a baby then.

I love a good tornado.

General / The joke thread
« on: October 25, 2005, 03:09:19 pm »
Saddam Hussein and his chafeurr<huked on foniks wurkd 4 mi> were driving down the I-69 out of Baghdad before the war, when suddenly this pig runs in front of the limo.  The pig was killed instantly, so Saddam orders the driver to go to the nearby farmhouse and apologize to the pig's owner.

Three hours later, the driver staggers drunkenly back into view, his clothes completely disheveled, A bottle of wine in one hand, a cuban cigar in the other, and an enormous grin on his face.

Saddam:  What the hell happened to you?

Driver:  Well, the farmer gave me this bottle of wine and this cigar, and his wife and 21 year old daughter made mad, passionate love to me.

Saddam:  What did you TELL him?

Driver:  I said, "Hello, I am Saddam Hussein's driver, and I have just killed the pig."

Hope this one works for you all.

« on: October 25, 2005, 02:50:43 pm »
Double- Posters are the Devil and need to be exorcized.

P.S.:  The most emo bands ever are Foreigner and Linkin Park.  No argument.

General / The "lets talk about your day thread"
« on: October 25, 2005, 02:46:06 pm »
Dudes and dudettes, You think sleeping through Severe Thunderstorm Wilma was a big deal?  I slept through two (count them, TWO!!!) tornadoes!  Those suckers are LOUD!  At least I got to be awake for the third.  Wasn't much, just an F3, but it was still cool.  

Ok, so I am a sick freak, so what?!  At least I lived.

General / How do I post Pictures?
« on: October 25, 2005, 02:38:01 pm »
You think a Yahoo URL would work?

General / Post ya picture, mates!
« on: October 20, 2005, 09:55:29 am »
Honestly, I haven't seen a recent pic of me that I would EVER agree with putting up in here.  I hope I will come across one soon, so I can show all of my loyal subjects their one true God of Pain.  Until then, Jodi, sweetie, Keep HOTT!!  And big props on the other pics, guys and dolls, You all look better than I seem to in front of a camera...

« on: October 20, 2005, 09:44:14 am »
Razel, I don't hate you, but I will question your sanity from now on.

General Games / Ok, MM&B IS NOT MM9!!!!!
« on: October 19, 2005, 02:27:14 pm »
I am so SICK of going onto other forums (sorry, Protoman, but has one incredibly funny webcomic) and reading posts from complete retards who say that Mega Man and Bass was in fact Mega Man 9.  These utter degenerates need to be killed, or at least straightened out once and for all.  So here goes, with NO COMMERCIAL INTERRUPTIONS!!!!!<yay!>:

     In the first place, if you beat MM&B, as well as MM8, watch the credits CAREFULLY!!!  Tengu Man and Astro Man, the robot masters who appear in both games, are listed in the credits for MM&B, but if you ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION, you'll notice that they are NOT listed in MM8!  This is because in order to save time, Wily rebuilt those two instead of designing all-new robot masters.  After discovering the "evil energy", he knew that Mega Man would be hot on his tracks.  Thus, Tengu Man and Astro Man were given a second chance, mostly because their plans were fresher in his head.

     Also, if you REALLY want to know how I know this, this is the reason:


     That's right, in an official statement meant to quell the rumor mill, capcom officials, posing as guests on forums such as this, said the exact same thing that I am telling you now.  If you want further proof, go to this site, which will tell you exactly what you need to know, and is officially sanctioned by the company, even if it is a fan creation:

There you can find the correct timeline.

Now, for anyone who wants to disagree with me, you are welcome to.  Trouble with disagreeing with me on THIS, however, is that if you do, you are a complete and utterly unsavable nimrod who should help conserve oxygen by commiting suicide.  That being said, I hope this settles the controversy once and for all, because if you think about the truth of my words, IT'S JUST COMMON FREAKIN' SENSE!!!!!

Of course, that's my opinion, but I am not wrong.

« on: October 19, 2005, 01:58:03 pm »
Ok, here goes:

1) Anything Mega Man except for the Zero series<it blows goatfucker balls>

2) Any TRUE Resident Evil game<they all rock>

3)The Mortal Kombat Series

4)The GTA series is cool, too.

5) a game series that involves my favorite weapon, the steel chair!  It's the SmackDown franchise!

6) Legend of Legia

7)Metroid series (D'uh!)

8 ) Zelda

9) Bloodrayne


10) Blade of Honor!<many a dollar has flown from my pocket into this addicting arcade moneytrap>

<P.S.:  Games like The Guy Game should only be played at bachelor parties, after the strippers are long gone (or maybe before they get there), and after countless gallons of alchohol have been consumed.>

General Games / Jack strikes back.
« on: October 19, 2005, 01:46:04 pm »
I say that we chain him up to the grill of an SUV and threaten to ram the first big rig that comes along head first if he doesn't park his ass in front of a T.V., beer in hand, and wait to rot.  Of course, I am being nice here...

Music / UPDATE [2005.08.13]
« on: October 19, 2005, 12:50:54 pm »
Protoman, if you EVER decide to do something like that Bittorrent disaster, PLEASE give those of us who can't be on the forums all the timea little warning!  I'm on my knees in a $900 suit!

Music / Death to Torrent!!!
« on: October 19, 2005, 09:51:57 am »
Torrent has been squashed by the God Protoman, and by the patience of the God of Pain, ProtoBreakMan.

But with all seriosness here, Bit Torrent blew chunks, and I, for one, am glad to see it destroyed on  And let's be honest here, people.  The REAL reason we're all here is the Mega Man music anyway.  The other stuff is cool, but Mega Man owns all our souls!  (or is that just me... crap, I thought that one out loud!)

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