TPH Forum

General => General => Topic started by: Swiftman on October 28, 2005, 06:44:46 pm

Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Swiftman on October 28, 2005, 06:44:46 pm
As was slightly common knowledge among those I talk to, I was going to visit Faris at her house today. Also known to a large group of TPHers is the things that have happened to Faris.

No hiding them now...

A few weeks ago, maybe a month, I’m not sure on the exact date, Faris was taken into an alleyway by a jerk from her school named Tony. There Tony proceeded to rape Faris.

This caused Faris to get pregnant.

She kept it secret for a while, then told me and Minion, then we went on to tell the others, starting with Lazlo…

But today... I went to Faris’s house...

Only to find her dead, along with Tony, on the floor, Faris’s hands left bleeding on the keyboard of my lappy.

She had Microsoft Word open, and these words typed in:

Quote from: "Faris"
if youre reading this, then that means I’m like dead. Tony came back for more sex, I refused to give him any, and he tooka  knife to me. I tried to fight, but he still got me enough times to kill me. But I managed to kick him in the neck, making him bleed to death himself.

Sine I don’t have long, I’ll say that if I had a girl I wanted to name her tera. If it aws a boy, then I would call him albert.

Goodbye swift. Youre the most likely one reading this, and thank you for all you’ve done for me and everyone else. Tell lazlo, one last time, that I love him. Its too late for me and my chil

That is unedited.


I’m sorry to be telling you all this, but I think it would be worse if I didn’t. I don't care if I get in trouble for being on the internet, but dammit, this is more important than my punishment.....

I’m sorry, everyone... I should have urged my parents to drive me to Faris’s house faster... Then maybe I could have stopped Tony...
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Pirate Cortez on October 28, 2005, 06:52:44 pm

Why do the GOOD TPH'ers have to go?


I mean....I mean. Well, I'd post it, but people'll flame me.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 06:59:39 pm
I just let Lazlo read this and hes in bed....He wont talk to me.....I really dont know what to say....Me and her wernt the best of friends but I will miss her......
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 28, 2005, 07:08:09 pm
Doesn't it always seem to work that way...
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Pirate Cortez on October 28, 2005, 07:08:39 pm
Quote from: "Kasai Falconi"
I just let Lazlo read this and hes in bed....He wont talk to me.....I really dont know what to say....Me and her wernt the best of friends but I will miss her......

I'll miss her as well.

Even though I didn't know her much.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: FlameofDoubt on October 28, 2005, 07:13:27 pm
By god... I don't know what to say but feel i should at least acknowledge this topic in some way. Being new i don't fully comprehend the relationships or people on this forum, but... yeah, by god.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Razel on October 28, 2005, 07:33:56 pm
....I dont know what to say really, but... geez, I'll miss her even though i barely evan knew her.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jehuty on October 28, 2005, 07:35:48 pm
*sigh* Dude, sorry that this happened.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: commandknight on October 28, 2005, 08:08:49 pm
man, that has got to throw your life in hell. I feel sorry even though I dont know her. Sorry man. :cry:
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:11:01 pm
Wow, why does this sounds so obviously fake? Maybe because, say, IT IS?

and before someone begins whining and calls me heartless and tries to flood me with goatse pictures or makes a thread saying "LOL NMX SUX TEH COCK" I would like to point out I've obtained alll of the details from Jody and that she agrees with this post.

Now, tell me, Swiftman, you fool, what's with you and the whole tragic deaths thing? do you have a tragic death fetish or something? Ahem, anyway, why does this sounds like part of a crappy book, movie, comic book, porno, or whatever? and why does Faris' death note say "Swift" instead of whatever your real name is, considering she's supposedly a real life friend of yours?

*cough* Oh yes... what else? let's see, I already accused you about this all sounding fake... Hmmmm Oh yeah, if you're supposedly bleeding to death, I doubt you can actually type such a long message without falling unconscious.

Unless you somehow are a cyborg, but I doubt Faris was one, that, if she was even REAL.

Tell me, why does all of these people sounds like figments of your imagination to me? and why must they all die in an unlikely and tragic way? BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER ALIVE TO BEGIN WITH.

Ha ha ha ha! Swiftman, you pathetic loser, tell me, is this some way to get people to sympathize with your pathetic ass? As far as I am aware, not even Lazlo believes this anymore, you're as bad of a liar as that moron, Oliver Eisler! if you're going to lie, at least do it well, you fool.

Now shut up, feel free to hate me (While you're at it, send me some hate mail so I can publically ridicule you.), insult me, try to come up with some really lame remark, or whatever, I don't give a flying fuck.

Oh, by the way, go get help, you fucking psycho.

~Nightmare X, administrator of The Trinity of Evil.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 08:16:38 pm
I'm sorry but I refuse to belive that Swift would lie about something like this and hurt so many people.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: commandknight on October 28, 2005, 08:19:08 pm
Now I dont know what to belive.  :?  SWIFT or NIGHTMARE X ????

I also wondered if she really did type "swift"?

and how did she type if she was bleeding?  :?:
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 08:21:54 pm
First off Fairs knows Swift doesnt like his real name. Thats probly why she put Swift and not his real name. And second It is posible for someone who is bleeding to death to type..
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: FlameofDoubt on October 28, 2005, 08:22:31 pm
it does seem awfully suspicion that she not only could type that, but that she woudl type that. why waste time booting up a computer when you could be dialing that 3 digit phone number, and as far as i know, kicks to the neck do not incur death by bleeding.

Now if this isn't fake i'll hold up my hands and apologise for even suggesting this, but so far all the evidence is against you, swift.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 08:24:44 pm
You people are heartless..
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:26:23 pm
I stopped having a heart ages ago, you fool, Logic is all that matters.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: FlameofDoubt on October 28, 2005, 08:27:12 pm
I'm sorry you feel that way, i feel bad about myself for doubting it's the truth. When i first heard i was stunned and shocked. But talking to other people about it it was pointed out to me that several things were highly suspicious. believe me i feel horrible for even doubting it, and either way it doesn't work out well for anyone.

EDIT: Damnit, correction, this post is at kasai's response, not NMXs
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: commandknight on October 28, 2005, 08:27:44 pm
but we dont know what tp belive, is swift really making this up or telling the trurh. Jehuty told me another of his friend died when she triped of a cliff and missed the water and fell in the shallow part. She died a couple hours later. And now ot sounds like alot of swift's friends die. And why was swift driving to her house anyway?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:28:25 pm
I myself don't have any feelings of guilt right now, for all I know, I'm unmasking a liar.

I don't care if you think I'm heartless, in this kind of situation I'd rather go by logic than anything else.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: commandknight on October 28, 2005, 08:29:55 pm
you could be right, or you could be wrong. One of us is going to have to find out. Or swift is going to tell us the truth.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 08:33:46 pm
I really dont think Swift would lie. Not about this. Lazlo loves Faris and Swift is Lazlos friend. Swift wouldnt hurt one of his friends. And Lieing about this would hurt Lazlo.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:35:20 pm
Oh, but you never know in a world like this.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 08:36:54 pm
Not all people are heartless bastards like you.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:38:46 pm
I don't think the word "Bastard" is good for defining me, I'd rather be called an "asshole", but oh well.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: FlameofDoubt on October 28, 2005, 08:41:27 pm
I find it ironic that he's being insulted when he's one of the few gutsy enough to actually challenge swift on this point. I know i couldn't do it...
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:44:59 pm
Quote from: "FlameofDoubt"
I find it ironic that he's being insulted when he's one of the few gutsy enough to actually challenge swift on this point. I know i couldn't do it...

It's called gullibility, my friend.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Kasai Falconi on October 28, 2005, 08:49:46 pm
Well sorry if I belive my best friend and not people I dont know.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 08:53:44 pm
Do as you wish, honestly, I don't care if you're gullible or not, it's your problem, not mine.

All I know is that I don't believe this guy, and that I don't care whatever anyone else has to say.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jody on October 28, 2005, 08:55:54 pm
I feel this is worth making an appearance for.

I loved Faris. She was a good friend of mine. But, all these things, there's so many things that deny the existance of these people..

I hurt inside right now, a lot. And I thought it was because I had lost a friend that I absolutely do not think exists at all. But now I know, I hurt for Lazlo. Who was in love and engaged to Faris. I feel bad for Lazlo, for being in love with a puppet made from a corrupted bored mind...

I'll list some reasons why these people seem to be made up:

-None of the people he knew had internet. Hmm. Odd! He had about I don't know, 8 friends? None of them had internet. Well, that's a little strange. Seeing as about 3 out of every 4 people have access to the internet.

-They all talked through his account when they were supposedly over at his house. They even talked to each other and argued with each other through the IM.

Such as:

Faris would always have purple font; Swift blue, Lacus pink, etc.

Faris would say something in purple, then a second later, here comes Swift in blue to say something back to her! Pretty much every time there wasn't even enough time technically to pass the keyboard.

-He complains of his parents being stupid and not cool, yet he has a bunch of people like Kary, Iris, Minion, Broom, Faris, and who ever else all over at his house at once. Hmm, what stupid parents. I'd hate them too if I were in his shoes! Golly gee!

-Broom, who supposedly has a connection, can't ever get on TPH or MSN. Hmm, odd!

-Lacus had to move to his house after a traumatic family issue. This one is a little more believable, but still, how many things like that would happen? And his stupid parents would let her live there?

-What's with all the broken legs?!

-Faris had a computer once supposedly, but all of a sudden, she doesn't have one at all. An odd plot twist, but would make it easier to play out his puppet named Faris all the better.

-Lazlo, who also agrees that these people are fictional, asked Swift for Faris' number, of which he had openly told Lazlo he had at an earlier date. So, Swift gives him a number. Lazlo calls, it's an office! Weird! Swift gives him another, Lazlo calls. That one doesn't work either. Crazy! Swift would almost have to have her number though. I mean, he said he had it before! Funny it wouldn't work at a time like this, silly Swift.

-They all call each other they're nicknames in real life. Still somewhat likely of being true, but ever think of a nickname for your long time friend, yet you find yourself slipping and calling them their real name? Thought so.

-What're the chances of 3 of your closest friend's dying within monthes? I'd say, roughly, 1 to 100000.

-They all join boards through his computer, although they hardly ever post, and have no ways of internet. Why join at all if they're going to do that?

-Let's try an experiment: Let's all go get stabbed several times, then come back and try to type me a letter! Ready set go!

-Since when does kicking someone in the neck necessarily cause bleeding? More likely to dislocate the head, and or make a massive bruise.

-Everytime one of them dies, he doesn't seem that shook up. When me and Lazlo were arguing with him, he didn't seem emotional at all, and poorly defended himself. When one of them dies, he comes on, makes a post on TPH, starts a convo with you and says:

Quote, quote:


<post TPH link here>


And he's done that for Faris' death, and Kary's dad's death. Wow, what a good friend. He seems very traumatized.

-I love how Faris actually has enough energy, strength, and consciousness to be able to use puncuation, spaces, and capitals.

-He's talked to me before about how he doesn't have any friends, and that he's picked on in school. Hmm, well! Even if these people don't go to your school, he sure seems to have a lot of friends, if only can be counted on two hands!

-He also met two people out in the woods on a rainy day. Ooo, scary! They had been kicked out of their house! Le gasp! And they had bad family issues, kinda like Lacus! Not that many people have child abusers for parents nowadays. Okay, so he takes them in, and his STUPID AWFUL PARENTS let them stay. Wow, damn parents. His seem like terrible people, glad they aren't mine.

I used to be good friends with Swift. I used to be his 'sister' for a long time until I figured out I was just a replacement since he had some love for the thought of having a little sister. I've had respect for him, I've had trust for him. Fuck, I've loved his as a bro, and as a friend. But no more.

To be completely honest, I've been kicking this imaginary friend idea around for quite a while. Since I met Minion. And then I started thinking, and payed close attention to the way they all typed. I can only remember I noticed that both Swift and Faris shared the overuse of periods.

Ex.: ..............;  .......;   ......................

So when I thought that Minion was the same person and started thinking that they all might indeed be Swift, I told Drifter, and he yelled at me. Then tonight, he won't believe me either. He told me I could think what I wanted, but he was going to trust Swift, and hope his trust was well placed. Well Swift you dirty bastard, you have a good friend in him that you don't deserve. You should be proud.

Out of all the above things that go to prove that these people are indeed not real, I personally see no opening light to show through that could indeed hold some hope in them being real. And trust me, I've tried to find it. I may be rash, and I may be harsh, but I do now how to show mercy. And although I probably seem very irrational and sudden, I did think it through. But I don't see any other possibilities.

So why you would do this Swift, I know why..

You live in the middle of no where. Bored much? Probably. If that's the case, you let it go too far. You fucked with people's feelings, and I hope you see the pain you have called you filthy psycho. This in all hasn't affected me as much as some people, say Lazlo, who is one of the awesomest people I know without exaggeration. And for hurting him, I'm not going to dismiss it slightly.

I loathe you now. I can't stand you. And I also am very serious when I say that you should stay away from Antha. I've known her for a long time, far before I was introduced to all these boards and all you people, and I'll be damned if I lose her completely to someone like you. I've lost enough of our friendship and time together because of you, and if you get her sucked up into your web of bullshit, so help me you'll regret it.

To anyone who disagrees, see if I care. Think what you want, just as I will. I just hope your trust, either in me, or Swift, isn't misplaced.

As a side note: Kasai, you're in love with Swift (along with like other people.. wow, sweet), so you're opinion is OBVIOUSLY going to be biased. And therefore you don't count. XD Not to me, anyways.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Pirate Cortez on October 28, 2005, 09:00:13 pm
Well, I THINK Faris typed that document during the last moments she had.

And Swift, PLEASE admit that this is real or not. >_>
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 09:03:44 pm
I don't think there's anything left to discuss now, unless you're some kind of weirdo who still believes in what Swiftman is saying, in which case you can go and cry for a non-existant person's death.

What about trying the getting stabbed part, though? Sounds fairly entertaining and I certainly would be glad to help with the stabbing.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Pirate Cortez on October 28, 2005, 09:16:05 pm

I'm just hurrying him up so this can end.

Swift's slower than syrup sometimes.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Swiftman on October 28, 2005, 09:45:35 pm
Cortez, there's a lot I have to fight back here..... Two pronged NMX and Jody attack, not easy to deflect.

Nothing to be gained from lying, right? Thus, I shall speak truth here, and only that.

I have a lot of strange occurences happen to me. Do I want them to happen? Not at all. You may not believe me, but it's true.

Is there something especially unbeleiveable with a silent kid, having trouble in science class with getting the teacher to understand sign lanuguage, becoming his friend, then him dieing by falling off the stairs?

Or a very smart girl getting chased off from devilish parents and going to her best friends house for help? And then diving into the wrong place and failing to survive it?

Enough of that though.

About what you first said there, NMX...

I do indeed hate my first name of Devon. Faris knew that, and it's probably more instinctive for everyone here to type Swift instead of Devon. I called her Faris, she called me Swift. We liked our nicknames more than our real names.

Why can't someone type when they're bleeding? It wasn't her bleeding to death that killed her, Tony's knife did that, not loss of blood.

It may all seem unreal to you, but is there something I've said that makes it not true? Anything impossible that made you disbelieve?

Whoever Oliver Eisler is, I'm not sure exactly, but if it's truth, then can it come off as a bad lie? Possibly, depends on what you think.

And you already hated me, NMX, so what's changed since now? I don't hate you, not now or then even. You're simply feeling the same thing that so many others are too.

And I need no help, since I've been checked and nothing is wrong with me.

But hey, like you said, you don't give a flying fuck and you don't care what else I have to say. Can't see why you would care to read this.

Now for Jody....

You seem to think that one of the reasons for this is  me being bored.

I have a 20 acre forest! I have a quad! I have a computer with more DOS games than I could ever want, almost, and connections to many more! And I can write, you've read Snowcraft, or at least portions of it. And you've seen my sprites I made. Whether you think i made them reamains to be seen, but with those ablities, why would I be bored? I haven't been bored for years, long before I joined TPH even.

but onto your points...

-Kary can get a connection, but lacks a computer that can use the internet. Minion is but a 12 year old, so naturally his parents won't let him onto public chat places like this. Broom's parents are insecure like hell and won't let him use his internet hardly.

-Have you tried talking only in IM's in person, reading out what you type out loud? Not only is it fun, but whatever we say on there is things we want you to see too. If me and Minion argued in speech only, would we be as funny as we are? No, because we want you all to read what we say, because we enjoy making others laugh.

-And when we type back and forth, the keyboard doesn't move. Most times Faris or me are in the chair seat, and the other on the armchair, someone else on the other arm chair, and whoever else in a stool that can lean over when they want to say something.

-My parents may let me have friends over a lot, but they make me do a LOT of housework, even if I don't say that I do. Everyone else does work, too. Minion, Kary, Faris, they all do. Kary broke her toe hauling metal in my yard, and I broke an arm unshingeling the roof of a garage my dad wants torn down. Everytime someone comes over, work is put on them. It gets down much faster with 3 working instead of 1. I'm positive that's what my parents think, though I can't be sure.

-I already covered Broom earlier. His parents are insecure things that don't seem to realize that he's 16.

-And my parents let Lacus live here because they're not mean enough to just toss her out, not when there's an extra pair of hands to have work done with.

-Faris's computer she said she had when we were camping, but turns out she didn't have one.... a lie on her part, she had me convinced that she did. Oops, didn't tell anyone? Must be my secretkeeper job at work.

-As I stated before, that number worked for me. Why it didn't for Lazlo is beyond me, it always does when I use it.

-I use people's real names when I'm being serious. If Kary is getting too far in her 2x4 action, and I say "Kirsten! Stop!" she'll stop, but if I go "Kary, stop!" she mot likely won't. Besides, even though you know he calls himself Drifter, or Trigger, I still see you calling him Jason, Jody.

-They might have done that, if TPH had more fonts, or if they get a good enough avatar that they want to show it off with. Minion uses my account enough times, he adds the little arrow thing and you know it's him. Kary did pose a few of my posts, though. 'Accidently' forgot to llog me out, she says...

-Oh smart idea, Jody. If you're going to die in a few seconds, and you know it, usually you try harder to get the messge out. She still didn't get it all out, though.

-Faris had heavy shoes on. When kicked with those, normally your neck doesn't stay in the normal layers of skin. And it probably wasn't a direct kick, it could have peeled Tony's skin. I don't know, I wasn't there when it happened, and I saw a lot of blood coming out of his neck.

-She had typed her last words in MS Word, meaning, AUTOCORRECTIONS! and pressing a space button takes SO much effort.

-So I had in all 5 friends at school out of... oh, is it 850 people that hate me. Oh yeah, LOTS of friends.

-There are disgusting people everywhere, we of all people know that, so what's unlikely about having a non-caring set of parents, and another pair that like to get drunk? Dekar and Erim's parents were drunk when they chased them out, sober when they took them back in.

-When Faris met me, her knowledge of computers was very slim. basically she knew how to put letters together, not much else. She saw how I typed, and learnt from there. Just a hypothesis, don't blame me for thinking.

-So I have.... Drifter and Kasai to stand by me. Well, better than nothing. Can't complain about what I have, can I? They just see the truth where you don't.

-You're acting on the natural human nature of doubting what isn't proven. And I can't blame you for that.

-Middle of no where? I live an hours driving distance from the largest mall in the world. I would like to gt a job, but living so far from town with parents that won't drive me because then I'm not around at home to do work that otherwise they would be doing. Boredom and lack of entertaining location disproved. [and Phex is more than willing to take me places, and he lives in Edmonton. I don't have to go with my parents.]

-You don't want me with Antha? I don't know if you approved of us being together from the start. And she's too nice to just leave you because you doubt my friends existence. What she thinks of me is up to her, so we'll leave it for her to decide.

Any other takers? Doubt still remaining?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 28, 2005, 09:55:41 pm
Is it just me...or does everyone you know die?

Your imaginary friends need to stop getting into this shit man.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 28, 2005, 10:13:22 pm
Oh yea, forgot to add this in...
One friend who drops down stairs.  One witness to it.
One who jumps off a cliff, you deliver her tot he hospital dead.  Two witnesses.
One now who is stabbed to death in her house and somehow manages to write a letter AND kill her attackers by kicking him in the neck, making him bleed to death.  HIS cause of death was obviously fake.  No witnesses.
So in all of this, you have two people you've reported dead.  three except I heard the little mute kid was witnessed dying by someone else.  Now that's 2 you've told the cops you found dead or saw die.

And not once did they question you?  Not ONCE did you get suspected, event hough you technically assisted int he involuntary suicide of one?

For shame, Swift one, for shame.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 10:14:01 pm
EDIT: Actually, owned twice.

And note that I haven't changed my mind at all, because, simply, what you say is not  believable, I want REAL proof (Something you, of course, do not have), or I'll simply discard everything you said and laugh at your pathetic retort and attempt at looking like a decent person (something you, mind you, are not)
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jody on October 28, 2005, 10:16:18 pm
Quote from: "Swiftman"
Any other takers? Doubt still remaining?

Oh my, you're fucking retarded. So is anyone else who believes all your shit.  All your exuses, you're pathetic.

And yeah, everyone dies. Just recently Iris, Kary's sister, started hanging around. Was she your replacement in the story-line since you were going to be killing off Faris? Nicely done, keep us entertained in your little show of stupid horror.

And yeah, in the whole I still call Jason Jason, even though he's called Drifter and Trigger, you proved my point you stupid fuck.

Why do you even bother?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 28, 2005, 10:20:57 pm
Quote from: "Jody"
Why do you even bother?

It's called being a loser with no life.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2005, 10:21:53 pm
Skin peeling?  That's not too bad.

Unless he was anemic, it would have clogged up.  Something to bleed to death over is many many holes, not some peeled skin.  People survive whole limbs being cut off.

Also, as Jody said, I noticed that each time someone dies, someone else takes their place!  Convenient now aint it!?

What's next Swift?  Kary strangles herself after admitting she is really a transvestite and raped your in your sleep, so you replace her with Armando, the blind little man who popped up in your garage?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jody on October 28, 2005, 10:21:55 pm
Quote from: "Alpha Omega"
Oh yea, forgot to add this in...
One friend who drops down stairs.  One witness to it.
One who jumps off a cliff, you deliver her tot he hospital dead.  Two witnesses.
One now who is stabbed to death in her house and somehow manages to write a letter AND kill her attackers by kicking him in the neck, making him bleed to death.  HIS cause of death was obviously fake.  No witnesses.
So in all of this, you have two people you've reported dead.  three except I heard the little mute kid was witnessed dying by someone else.  Now that's 2 you've told the cops you found dead or saw die.

And not once did they question you?  Not ONCE did you get suspected, event hough you technically assisted int he involuntary suicide of one?

For shame, Swift one, for shame.

The girl who jumped off the cliff never got to the hospital. She died in his arms on  the way there supposedly. That's what he told me, but I suppose after so many lies he'd fuck up his story eventually.

So you have: Kary, Swift, Faris(?) and Kag. Kag falls. Witnesses are suspected imaginary people.

Therefore: No witnesses.

Faris, Swift, Lacus, and Kary on a camping trip. Lacus dives off the cliff. Witnesses are suspected imaginary people.

Therefore: No witnesses, besides the people that supposedly brought them camping. And he had his lap top the entire time camping. Hmm.. Which could easily fake that he didn't go at all. But whatever, no witnesses.

Faris and raper, alone in a house. Both die. Witnesses, there are none.

Therefore, no witnesses.

What do we get out of this kids? There are no proven really witnesses.

Therefore: Swift, suck dick.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 28, 2005, 10:31:20 pm
Quote from: "Nightmare X"
Quote from: "Jody"
Why do you even bother?

It's called being a loser with no life.

Someone give the man a prize.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 28, 2005, 10:38:31 pm
How do I stand on this? That does not matter now. The facts are this:

Swift is a good writer, a damn fine one, it is possible to have made it all up. But, writing a book and making things up on the fly are different. The stories were pretty consistant. This doesn't prove anything.

Every time I tried to contact Faris something came up. Of course, I've had things like this happen before. Not the same, by no means, but shit happens.

Devon Kirk is an actual person, who lives in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Well, there's at least one person we know exists.

There is no "Guyer" listed in Millet, Alberta's phone book. Of course, that doesn't mean anything. Many of my friend's houses are listed under different names, due to out of date phone books, or the service someone else's name.

None of his friends have internet service. It's out in the boondocks though. It's completely possible.

Whether Faris existed or not, she loved me. I loved her, but as time went on, it became harder and harder to not feel that I was being led on.

I once called the Kirk house, supposedly when everyone was there. I heard no one talking in the background. The phone was passed to Faris, without me hearing a thing.  However, the phone was rather quiet.

So, I didn't bring us any closer to the truth, but I
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 28, 2005, 10:45:44 pm
And she loved you?

This should be the point at which one asks Devon if he swings that way.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Swiftman on October 28, 2005, 11:15:22 pm
Quote from: "Alpha Omega"
This should be the point at which one asks Devon if he swings that way.

I believe Sophih or Antha can verify that, or Kasai. Kasai knows how I vehemently disagree to participate in gay actions, ANtha can prove that how I feel for her simply can't be faked up, and Sophih.... well, she's my ex, should know something.

To Lazlo...

Lazlo, Minion and Kary read what you said to Faris about how you doubted her being real, and didn't feel you were worth talking to or even muttering about in the background. At least, that's my theory.

To Jody...

If I could, I would call up the Richman's, but they left no contact information for me. OH NOEZ, Another uncontactable witness! Hey, what would more lying gain at this point?

To Guest...

There was a big hole in his neck, caused form a blunt object tearing the skin in his neck. Neck's have a lot more blood flow than an arm or leg, ya know. Something else might have gone on, but I don't know. I just saw a LOT of blood coming out of him.

Armando, har har. At least I know where not to take my friends to anymore.

To Jody again...

So Kary's little sister wanted to learn more about the people that me, Kary, Faris and Minion talk about all the time. Can you blame her for being curious? sheesh.

And I bother because I know my friends don't like to be thought of as fake, and I don't like having them thought of that way. But hey, you don't give a shit.

To Alpha Omega, previsouly before he registered....

Kary and Lacus saw Kag fall down the steps also, but like Jody said, you won't believe what Kary has to say anyways.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: NeoCalculus on October 28, 2005, 11:15:51 pm
Oh, shit.  All hell has broken out now, and I don't know which side to take, I honestly don't.  I've never felt bad when any of these people died, but hell, I havn't felt bad about anyone dieing since I was 10.  I've had my doubts at times, enough to not make me believe Swift full heartedly, but there is this sense of loyalty and trust, that, well, I just can't get over.  I don't know what to say.  I probebly don't have a spine, but I can't honestly take a stand at this.

Yeah, I'm pathetic like that.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jody on October 28, 2005, 11:30:50 pm
More people appearing at your house randomly to read it. Two, even.

Well, I really did like all your characters, I really did. I considered Kary and Faris friends. But after all these deaths and shit, you have to admit that's a little hard to believe. And if you don't, you're a fucking fruity bastard.

And Jesus. Getting kicked in the neck by a thick shoe is not gonna leave a gaping hole in someone's neck, no matter how much you say it will. It's literally impossible.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Swiftman on October 28, 2005, 11:47:05 pm
Maybe it wasn't a straight on kick. Faris did have pretty heavy tread, maybe she snapped his neck, I don't know. I just saw a lot of blood, I left the rest to the police.

And I know that all these deaths are hard to believe. I told Meg what happened, and she said: "You're joking, right?"

So of course it's hard to believe! I would have a hard time myself if I didn't see it with my own eyes.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Razel on October 28, 2005, 11:59:19 pm
Okay, now, go head call me a retard or whatnot, but i believe swift.
Look, acting as just two poeple can practically kill a man. I know, I've done it. Two years ago, I messed around with a friend on another forum (a dead one, ill give the link too: and with that link to the site is a forum that is dead, where I was WAR) anyway. I made a second female account, and im going to hell for it. The longer i kept it up the worse it became, I had to stop because posting as two poeple is hard. acting as two poeple is hard. And it would, not only kill, but utteraly destroy someone with 3 or 4 accounts on just one forum. If you think I'm a basterd ok, if you think this isnt good enough, okay, but my god people how long have you known  Swift (I'm talking to the memebers who have been on longer than me and the other newer ones) ?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jehuty on October 29, 2005, 12:02:29 am
Swift is a really old member. The forum was still new when he joined.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Swiftman on October 29, 2005, 12:05:48 am
Order of people to stay at TPH, to my knowledge:

1. Protoman
2. Bladegash
3. Herb
4. Me
5. Superyoshi

But I can't be too sure, it was a while ago
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 29, 2005, 12:11:28 am
*Gets kicked in the neck*

*Bleeds to death*

I don't think it actually works like that.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Razel on October 29, 2005, 12:15:58 am
theneck is also used for something called breathing, and it is possible to get the blod to clot and choke you.

Hmm.. its gotton quiete around here, after i posted.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 06:52:49 am
First off, Swift said he saw a hole.
From a kick.  I don't give a damn who you are, kicking will NOT put a hole in the neck.  It can snap the neck, yes, but not put a hole in it.  Well, it could if she was wearing those high heels or boots with the pointy fronts, but if she's at home on the comp, why would she be wearing something so uncomfortable?

And from a teenage girl who is on the ground bleeding to death?  Right, so this rapist was just stupid enough to get close enough?  
Tell me Swift, where was she stabbed?  It would take a hole in one of your vital organs to kill you with one little stab, unless your blood doesn't like clotting.  The clothes would act like a sponge, soaking it up and then once it had enough it would dry up and help stop the flow.

So where?  And how does a girl in her death throes manage to aim a kick well enough like that?  Much less with enough force to snap the neck!?  I've seen men over 250 lbs get thrown down onto their necks in a pile driver at my school's wrestling team when the coach was letting us actually wrestle like on TV.  Not a one of them had a snapped neck.  You expect us to believe a teenage girl whose life blood is pouring out of her managed something with more force than that?  I can believe that her adrenaline would give her strength, but it wouldn't be a well aimed kick, and if he was trying to rape her, I doubt his neck was anywhere near her feet.

And that's another thing.  If he wanted her so bad, why not just beat her and rape her like before?  Why kill her?  I honestly doubt he was so stupid as to stab her for not putting out.

And WHY did she let him back into her house?  If he had raped her already.  Why wasn't he locked up?   And if she died while typing that, why aren't there some random characters at the end from her  falling onto the keyboard?  You said unedited, so we already see a lie coming into the light.

And you never did tell us Swift.  So far you've been on the scene of two women dying in rather harsh fashions.  If you really were, the cops would be holding you for questioning.  They would have you on their suspect list by now man.

I'm very sorry to say this, but you're so full of shit that if anyone lights a flame near you all the methane would make you internally combust.


And claimed to see a hole in his neck.  Stop saying now it was snapped.  Changing your story makes it 100% fake ass.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 29, 2005, 10:48:08 am




Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 10:51:27 am
And once the space ninja were defeated by NMX, a man named bob came in.
And raped Swift of his virginity.

And Swift went crazy with lust.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Trigger on October 29, 2005, 11:19:37 am
OK, this shit's gone on far enough. Time for a intervention.

Call me stupid, call me whatever you want, but this is how I see things.

I've known Swift for the better part of a year by now, and I trust him, and have for a long time. And he's never done anything to destroy my trust before.

I've never once doubted the existance of anyone there with him, with one exception. Though some things were unlikely, I wrote them off as just that, unlikely, but still possible.

There was one person who I did doubt, and that was Minion. Because he was just some guy who Swift called in with some of his posts, then became and actual person. I never believed in minion really. Figured it was just a joke, and ran with it.

But, this is going no where, this is just one big ass war going on, but there's a simple way to solve everything.

Swift, you are going to give me the full names of Faris, Kary, Broom, Minion, Iris, Lacus, and Kag.

You are also going to give me their phone numbers, you are going to give me their adresses ((Or previous ones)).

Because by god, if I can figure out where Jody lives, going off her initials, and somewhere CLOSE to where she lives (which, trust me, have, and can), then I damn well can find these people. And it saves time when I don't have to figure our their adress and phone number if you just give them to me.

The only way to prove they exist, is to prove they exist.

If you do not tell me their names, phone numbers, addresses, THEN I will stop believing you.

I've seen Kary, I've seen Kag, I trust they are real. The others I trusted to be real, but now I need something more then trust alone. Going blind following another only works for alittle while. Trust alone, for something like this, will not be enough to convince me either way.

Because though BOTH sides of this arguement are possible, they're BOTH unlikely.

I refuse to believe Swift is some psycho Canadian doing this for kicks. And I refuse to believe everyone I've talked to...everything I've said to them...Everything I've done for them, has been for one person. Not without being COMPLETELY proven. Simple unlikelyness is not good enough.

And while these occurances are very unlikely, there may have been more happening then we know....Some things, people say are unexplainable...

So, that's the deal, I will get adresses, names, phone numbers, or by God I WILL raise hell finding out on my own.

And no, this will not all be done in one day, unless you guys decide to help me. Because between homework and all this shit going on, I have time for nothing else.

But, that's the deal, your move. If you give me their names, I'll prove they exist. if not...well...
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 29, 2005, 11:35:38 am
:roll: He's suuuuuuuuurely going to give you their adresses and real names.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 11:49:24 am
Get ready to be extremely disapointed.  And then kick Swift in the nutz.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 29, 2005, 11:51:48 am
Quote from: "Alpha Omega"
Get ready to be extremely disapointed.  And then kick Swift in the nutz.

I think "Ovaries" would be a more proper word in this case.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 12:08:03 pm
It's hard to actually hit the ovaries.

Compromize!  You kick him in the uterus and pull out his uvula.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Anonymous on October 29, 2005, 01:51:39 pm
Hi, I'm an anonymous user from a forum where someone has linked to this topic.

Swiftman, I need evidence, either a clear picture of the crime scene and what you saw, or personal information of this "Faris" you speak of, or it's damn hard to believe what you've just told us.

I find these kind of things really hard to believe anyway, but the evidence is just you witnessing this, and just simply one witness isn't enough, and there's not even ANY other evidence. I refuse to believe this bullshit until I see the facts given through personal information or a picture of the scene.

Pffft, like you'll ever give it to me anyway...
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: jv2k on October 29, 2005, 03:20:32 pm
Wow.... this all seems unlikly, especially after all the shit I've read which has argued against you. When Lazlo first told me about that one girls death a long time ago, I felt bad about it. I couldn't really say anything comforting so after a period of silence I just said I had to leave.  I felt the story seemed, well fake. But lazlo said it was true, and for me that seemed good enough.

As I read this topic starting with the first post I had doubts, I mean 2 people he knew dying so close to each other, and the story itself(rape, getting pregnate, ect.) seemed really fake, but as I read that I just had doubts not proof against it. I never actaully spoke to these people, and I rarely talk to you, so I wasn't sure. But then Alpha Omega came in with the first spoken doubts. I thought he brought up good points, but I didn't know enough of the situation to truely disregard it, after all truth has shown time and time again to be stranger than fiction. It is possible.
Then Jody posted and this started nailing the coffin shut. She actually spoke to them, she knew you and them much more than than Alpha Omega(I think...).  So she almost completly convinced me, but for me I am always skeptical on anything, and I'm fairly paranoid. Then lazlo posted, and the coffin was burried six feet under. Even he doesn't believe you, he who seemed so close to faris. I wonder how he must feel, not only that a person he cared for is dead, but that she never even existed either, that her death was all nothing more than part of a game, she didn't have to even die, someone just felt like it.

Still, I am almost never 100% on anything, so if trigger comes back with confermation on these peoples deaths I'm sorry, but this seems really unlikly.
I mean
Is there something especially unbeleiveable with a silent kid, having trouble in science class with getting the teacher to understand sign lanuguage, becoming his friend, then him dieing by falling off the stairs?

Or a very smart girl getting chased off from devilish parents and going to her best friends house for help? And then diving into the wrong place and failing to survive it?

Not as much as the first but yea, really ironic, trouble is such irony isn't so common in real life.
The fact that these things happened so soon after the other with people is what makes it unbelievable. I really don't want to find out your actually making this up but all the evidence points to it.
After all, people never suspected that Ted Bundy would be capable of murder, or that OJ, would have killed his wife. Swifts crimes are not as great, but no one would have suspected it from him until he went too far.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 04:45:10 pm
I know them a good little ole bit now.

I also know that the only person out of each and ever little tiny one of them with a personality that wasn't 2d was Kary.  And her personality is one of the most easily fabricated personalities you could make.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 29, 2005, 04:50:46 pm
I never said I didn't believe him. I'm still trying to get a hold of Faris' family, but the fact is that her last name isn't in the phone book (and yes, there is a way to look) and the phone number that I do have doesn't work. Trigger, Kary's last name is posted in the Canadian Thanksgiving thread. Her first name isn't hard to find.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 05:37:03 pm
Here's the split up.
We who say he lies:
Nightmare X

We who say we don't know:

We who say he does not lie:
Lazlo's sister
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 29, 2005, 05:54:53 pm
Wow. Thanks. I really couldn't have figured that out before.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 06:23:34 pm
Quote from: "Lazlo Falconi"
Wow. Thanks. I really couldn't have figured that out before.

I know, why else do you think I'd post it?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 29, 2005, 06:43:58 pm
Because you're a dumbfuck trying to win an argument you aren't even a part of?
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Alpha Omega on October 29, 2005, 06:46:00 pm
Because you have no clue what's going on.
If you did you'd realize how I fit into all of this.  But since you don't you try ot make up for your ignorance by insulting me, not realizing that you are, infact, being a useless douchebag and wasting your own time.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 29, 2005, 06:48:36 pm
Well then please, explain it to ignorant little old me, because I can not see how you, who joined after these events have taken place, fit right in the center of it.

As a note, I'm not insulting you, just telling you to get off my god damn forum.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Razel on October 29, 2005, 07:01:41 pm
Quote from: "Alpha Omega"
Here's the split up.
We who say he lies:
Nightmare X

We who say we don't know:

We who say he does not lie:
Lazlo's sister

Cough* there are a few more of us who believe swift.

Quote from: "Razel"
Okay, now, go head call me a retard or whatnot, but i believe swift.
Look, acting as just two poeple can practically kill a man. I know, I've done it. Two years ago, I messed around with a friend on another forum (a dead one, ill give the link too: and with that link to the site is a forum that is dead, where I was WAR) anyway. I made a second female account, and im going to hell for it. The longer i kept it up the worse it became, I had to stop because posting as two poeple is hard. acting as two poeple is hard. And it would, not only kill, but utteraly destroy someone with 3 or 4 accounts on just one forum. If you think I'm a basterd ok, if you think this isnt good enough, okay, but my god people how long have you known Swift (I'm talking to the memebers who have been on longer than me and the other newer ones) ?
~ if you havent, read it.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jody on October 29, 2005, 08:23:22 pm

So I was thinkin' about the kick in the neck. Let's suppose they were both standing, which is probably how they were when she was stabbed. 'Kay, she's stabbed several times. So, to get him off and away from her, she kicks him. Supposing that she was shorter than him, if not dramatically so which is often the case of girl's heights compared to guys', then to kick him in the neck she'd have to kick really high. Which, could happen. But. If she's sitting there having all these recently inflicted stabs and is bleeding heavily (as one could safely assume), I doubt she'd be able to kick up high enough to his neck, without stumbling or tripping, yet having enough momentum (if that's even the word?) or speed and strength to give him a blow in the neck. Say she did do all that though. Even with a blunt steal toed boot, it wouldn't but a hole in the guys neck. It'd probably just send him sprawling out on the ground with a bruise to remember. Either that or a snapped neck.

Or, okay. say she was laying on the ground. He came at her. She kicks him in the neck. Still. Why would she be wearing some big frickin' clod hoppers around her house? So you were coming over and maybe you were gonna go outside. That could be likely. But I've seen a picture of Faris, and from what she's wearing in the picture, she doesn't look like she'd be wearing some big sharp high heels. Which, I could see maybe make a hole. But why would she go out with a friend in those anyway? But, nonetheless, if she was laying on the floor she'd have more balance to be able to kick him. But even with "heavy treads" as you said before, that would probably more leave a scrape acrossed his neck from where they kicked by. Depending on the angle. But if she kicked him, in the neck, with the end of the toe of the shoe which is wear the shoe and the neck would connect after a kick, do you think having heavy tread is going to matter? No. Tread is on the bottom. You don't kick with the bottom of of your shoe. But, if you did which is possible I suppose, it'd be like a big flat surface like: ( ____ ) <-that. On his neck. Even with heavy treads, it'd be a flat surface kicking in the neck. Would that cause a gaping hole in someone's neck? No. Maybe a tiny little hole from where one little tread pierced him, but they'd be like 1/8 of an inch deep, if that. So possibly he could have these tiny little 1/8 deep holes here and there from where a tread cut him. But that still wouldn't get him anywhere near a gaping hole.

Also, yeah with the end of the letter, there should be ranom characters here and there from falling on the keyboard. But say she didn't, fell to the side and off the chair or something, chances are still that her hand would have fell on it, or atleast dragged over it when she fell. So, that seems really unlikely.

But also Trig, on your little journey for information, I have some last names, first names, and some pictures.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Guess who? on October 29, 2005, 08:38:31 pm
He's got you all brainwashed. Can't use logic and emotion very well at the same time, so Make the fakes Befriend everyone on the board eh? Then you never ever have anyone figuring out that these people are fakes made for love, attenion, and sympathy.

Swift you idiot, All this Drama Queen Tomfoolery Is obvisly going to be found out, Noone has Cinderella-ish Lives. A kick to the neck dosn't leave holes unless your using boots with spikes on the front, Maybe Snap the neck, maybe bust your windpipe, But they don't leave holes in necks.

A single stab often dosn't kill, My Grandpa was stabbed in once, he's still alive. I suspose it isn't solid evidence, but it still decreases the chance of this happening. Oh wait, there were already no chances.

As for typing a message on the computer... Auto-Correction devices arn't incredibly accrurate, Often mistaking words for another. When  your losing that much blood, Hell, if you just got punched in the face, your vision blurs alot, More then enough to disallow the reading of fine-print. Even if she knew the keys by heart, it'd take her a while to figure out which key is which, Especially with the little time she had, The message should have been cut off at about 1/3rd of what you have there. BTW, why not use that time to dial 911, and then Stagger outside and Yell at the top of your lungs HEEEEEEEEEEEELP. Or just yell in genral. Same effect.

The moment a rapist showed up I would have run into the Kitchen And grabbed a Knife or something. Hell, Grab a chair or a lamp. Toss oranges at him. A mere Rapist isn't Scary enough to freeze you in fear very long.


And this evidence is just gathered from the first post. I could dig up a couple(About 7, give or take) more paragraphs.

Sincerly, M minus One.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Jody on October 29, 2005, 10:01:44 pm
That's true, I didn't even think about that. In the time it took for her to stagger to the computer, she could have made for a phone or the door, instead of going to the computer saying I'M GOING TO DIE, I HOPE YOU READ THIS. Even if she knew she was going to die, she could have still dialed 911. They could have been able to save her maybe.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: NeoCalculus on October 30, 2005, 12:02:42 am
There is nothing I can say that will change anything here.  Its all been said.  I'm sorry if I sound like a heartless person, but I agree with Jody, Nightmare, and the bunch.  There are just too many problems with this whole story for me to just go along and say, "Oh man, thats rough."

And untill I have proof that any of these people are real, I'm going to stick with this idea.  And it isn't because I was convinced of this by the other guys.  This is my personal opinion
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Swiftman on October 30, 2005, 12:24:31 am
I'm a little sure that what you're asking for Trigger is breaking laws of some sort.... But I can't be sure.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 30, 2005, 01:09:28 pm
^If THAT's your final answer, then I suppose this argument is over and I win, as always.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 30, 2005, 01:24:03 pm
If you were paying attention, the argument was already over, and you lost, since you weren't a part of it.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: _ on October 30, 2005, 01:30:52 pm
He made himslef A part of it. And the arguement isn't over until everyone Stops arguing. You lose.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 30, 2005, 01:48:08 pm
Quote from: "Lazlo Falconi"
If you were paying attention, the argument was already over, and you lost, since you weren't a part of it.

Oh, how funny, considering it was me who first publically accused Swiftman of lying. :roll:

You lose.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 30, 2005, 01:56:19 pm
I believe Clest accused him before you were even in the picture.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Nightmare X on October 30, 2005, 01:59:31 pm
So that means I was never part of the argument? I think you need to get your eyes checked, you twit

EDIT: Oh, and I just re-read this topic, and it seems there's no post questioning Devon before mine.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 30, 2005, 02:45:21 pm
I'm not talking just about this thread. But you never talked to Swift or anyone else, so shut up.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Superyoshi on May 22, 2006, 04:00:38 pm
Bump for lol factor and good ol' times.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Yaminomalex on May 22, 2006, 04:06:47 pm
This thread reminded me how much of a fucking hypocrite Swiftman is.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Herb on May 22, 2006, 10:21:39 pm
wow somehow i never read this, hmm

old stuff
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Yaminomalex on May 23, 2006, 11:03:49 am
Swiftman loves Lazlo lol.

Good times right there. I forgot how homosexual this forum could be sometimes.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Crystalman on May 24, 2006, 02:36:16 am
I'd kill to see an obituary from Swift.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Yaminomalex on May 24, 2006, 11:40:19 am
Yeah, that would be funny.
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Mr. Fortune Cookie on May 24, 2006, 02:34:27 pm
Your prayers have gone unanswered
Title: blah.... stupid reality.
Post by: Peaches on June 02, 2006, 07:27:33 pm
LMAO, how did I ever miss this thread?  Nice necro-post, it was worth it.