Author Topic: Metal Gear Solid 4: 15 minute gameplay demonstration  (Read 7685 times)


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Metal Gear Solid 4: 15 minute gameplay demonstration
« on: July 24, 2007, 10:39:53 pm »

So far, MGS 4 is still PS3 exclusive, according to Kojima.  Looks fantastic and the framerate looks to be perfect for the most part (As opposed to many multiplatform games running at a laughable 30 FPS on PS3).  All the PS3 needs is a $400 price tag and some more stellar exclusives and I'm sold.


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Re: Metal Gear Solid 4: 15 minute gameplay demonstration
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 05:43:28 pm »
I guess I'll wait for the "PS3 MINI" or whatever the next PS3 model is called, which will probably be the size of the original PS2 or something. But yeah, this game is looking pretty awesome so far.