Funny how I read people wish there was X7 music on here. I'm new here, I came across the music site not too long ago and noticed how TPH didn't have the MMX7 soundtrack. Well, good news, I have it!

I'd be happy to upload it if I'm given the server info and whatnot. Problem is, I don't have my own comp, I have to use open access computers at my university campus. Fortunately, I've already got the soundtrack to MMX7 in MP3 format on a CD. The bitrate is 160, if I remember correctly.
As for a commentary on the soundtrack it is, sort of like X6 is, a little different from its predecessors. But it does sort of go back to that semi-hard techno style like in the early MMX games. I like a good number of the tracks, some have some awesome beats (in my opinion). So, hope you all enjoy as soon as I get it uploaded! :mrgreen:
EDIT: I see someone found it online too. Well, wouldn't hurt to have it here too.