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Topics - Mr. Fortune Cookie

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General / Ed, Edd, and Eddy voice topic
« on: February 18, 2006, 01:54:42 pm »
The first season had different voice actors than the new seasons.
Which season's voices do you like more (and why)?
Explain in a 200 word essay due on my desk Monday

Here is my list:

Kevin-Either way
Nazz-old season
Ed-new season(Ed should never say "soopa" That is why new season)
Eddy-old season(this was the only season in which Eddy said "nipple")
Edd-old season(the rasp in his old voice just fits)
Rolf-old season(his accent was way better)
Jimmy-new season
Sarah-old season (she was alot more psycho)

General / A bit creepy
« on: February 17, 2006, 03:14:19 pm »
Somehow, I owe $100 worth of ham discount cards

General / What is with all the numbers?
« on: February 16, 2006, 02:22:40 pm »
Irrational numbers, Imaginary numbers, pi, cherry pi, radical numbers, totally numbers, natural numbers, implanted numbers, decimals, fractions, portions, Porsches, Whole numbers, half numbers, square roots, square squares, cubic, pubic, and whole negative numbers I could deal with.
But the number "e" made me snap.
Just for the morons who do not know "e",

e=2.71828182818281828182818281828182818281..........You get the point

What the hell is the deal?

General / Dreaming of blank
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:26:22 pm »
What is the strangest dream, hope, goal or desire you have ever had? Don't turn this into a disturbing topic of filth.

Mine is tied between these two things:
1. I have always wanted a pet monkey that could say "moron" and could steal stuff from others.
2. I want to be in the guiness book of world records...for filling a bowl with dandruff.

General Games / How many in your party?
« on: February 13, 2006, 04:19:21 pm »
I say the first ones were good, the new ones suck.

General / Revival of that "I'm bored" topic
« on: February 12, 2006, 12:57:47 pm »
If three men named ; walk into a bar made entirely of three wishes, 300 spoon will implode at 2 miles per quadrant. Will George Lucas destroy the syllables in his aunt's name, And where will the hamburgler meet up with the Lugie of death?

More random questions. This will speed things up a bit

General / Heroes for total morons
« on: February 09, 2006, 02:44:35 pm »
Just to pass the time. Make up some funny superhero names. Have fun with it!!! Let's go

Bathtub of Vengeance
Captain Grope
Total Bull
King Lard
The Innuendo

General Games / Fire Emblem time
« on: February 07, 2006, 03:33:18 pm »
To all who play Fire Emblem. Who is your favorite character/s?
(can be from any game) Mine are Rath and Canas. Canas was the best druid ever, and Rath was just plain awesome.

General / Let's get opinionated!!!
« on: February 06, 2006, 07:54:01 pm »
We need to liven this place up!!!
What in your opinion, is the funniest T-shirt you own?
If not the funniest, say some of your favorites.
(differing punctuation was in each one of these sentances)

General / Not guod
« on: February 05, 2006, 04:13:40 pm »
OMFG. Someone go to the Bonus Stage episode guide and shit on comedic animals! All of the episodes are gone, except for #1 and #87 (which you have to get onto a different way.Click the "new episodes: #87" thing)

Did the series just go boom?! cause now in #1, Phil is gone forever.

No more old bonus stages!!!NOOOOOO

General / Panda attacks!!!!!!!
« on: February 04, 2006, 09:48:45 pm »
What is the funniest way, in your opinion, to see King Kong be defeated?
Mine would either be getting shot by millions of psycho cowboys or fighting a giant blue Kung-Fu panda.

*smirking at the fact that this will liven up the forum some more, not caring about my retarded methods of doing so*

General / Questions for the taking
« on: February 02, 2006, 02:32:23 pm »
I bet none of you (except maybe Yaminomalex and the Soveriegn of all knowledge) can answer this.

Why does an orange? You guyz have two days (Yaminomalex cannot help)

General Games / Once and for all (Super Smash)
« on: January 31, 2006, 08:46:40 pm »
This topic is discussing something of utmost importance to mankind. Who are your best Super Smash Bros. Characters? (Melee and/or Original). Mine are Fox, Sheik/Zelda, and Link.

General / A poll. why not ( hey I am bored. OKAY?!)
« on: January 25, 2006, 06:44:34 pm »
Here is the worst poll in history. Respond to it how you will.
Maybe even make a vote.Hm?????? :?:  :?:

the votes are basically
1. like a lot
2. okay
3. hate
4. My brain is snoring

General / lol out loud
« on: January 25, 2006, 04:23:31 pm »
stupidest word in history

 :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow: omphaloskepsis

means ( wait for it...) in laymans terms( wait for it more...)

The act of when a mystic seriously contemplates on his/her own belly button. :lol: lolwweeaeasdotctwttsihrnmp

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