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Topics - Mr. Fortune Cookie

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
General / If you want stupid useless stuff
« on: January 24, 2006, 04:52:11 pm »
This, my friends, is the Declaration Proclamation, a masterpeice of retardedness and boredom. I just typed this up so afterwards i am taking a break. Here it is :shock:

                       The Declaration Proclamation
This is a law. A good law. The kind of law that makes people think “Wow! That is a good law!” This law is the Declaration Proclamation. The Declaration Proclamation is a law. A good law. Maybe even a great law. A law is a statement that deals with the matters of law. The term statement is something that can be defined as a statement. A law is a statement. The Declaration Proclamation is a statement solely because it is a law. Therefore, the Declaration Proclamation is undoubtedly a law. A good law. The Declaration Proclamation is also typed. I am the person typing the Declaration Proclamation. I am also the person who typed the Declaration Proclamation. A good person. The kind of person that makes people think “Wow! That is a good person!” A good law has the techniques of good laws which make the law good. This law has the techniques of good laws. A technique that is contained within the Declaration Proclamation is the technique of complexity. Complexity is defined as a state of not being uncomplex. Since the Declaration proclamation is not uncomplex, the Declaration Proclamation is indeed complex. The Declaration Proclamation is also a smart document. A document is something that is currently, as well as recently, in the state of being a document. A smart document is something that is in the state of being a document and in the state of being smart. Something that is smart presents most or all of the qualities of something that is classified as smart. The Declaration Proclamation presents most or all of the qualities of being smart. To be smart, the Declaration Proclamation must not present any qualities of being stupid. Since the Declaration Proclamation is in no way stupid and unnecessary, the Declaration Proclamation is a smart document. The fact that there are so many words and letters in the Declaration Proclamation helps attribute to the quality of the Declaration Proclamation.  This law is therefore a smart law that obtains quality. This smart document is also a legal document. A legal document is, in its basic form, a document that is legal. The Declaration Proclamation is therefore a legal document. This is a smart legal stated complex document. A good smart legal stated complex document. The kind of smart legal stated complex document that makes people think “Wow! That is a good smart legal stated complex document!” This smart legal stated complex document is the Declaration Proclamation. The Declaration Proclamation is also typed on a computer, and originally written on paper. This is where the Declaration Proclamation is typed. Therefore, the Declaration Proclamation is a smart legal stated complex computer-typed document. This law has many other qualities because it is a smart legal stated complex computer-typed document. For one thing, the Declaration Proclamation is factual. A factual statement is a statement that states a factual fact. Another quality that a smart legal factual stated complex computer-typed document such as the Declaration Proclamation has the attributed quality of being, unlike the sentence that this word takes residence in, concise. Being concise is a quality that is defined as when something is short and does not go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about absolutely nothing. Obviously, a smart legal factual stated complex computer-typed document such as the Declaration Proclamation is concise and short. Therefore, as previously mentioned, the Declaration Proclamation, being the smart concise legal factual stated complex computer-typed document that it is, is indeed a good law. Due to the fact that, in theory, this is the kind of law that makes people think “Wow! That is a good law!”, this law, commonly referred to as the Declaration Proclamation, is the kind of law that also makes people think “Wow! That is a good smart concise legal factual stated complex computer-typed document!” The most important quality of the Declaration Proclamation is the fact that it is lawful. A lawful law is a law that has the qualities of laws, except for the laws that are unlawful. The Declaration Proclamation has certain qualities of many types of lawful laws. One example is the quality of declaring something, which the Declaration Proclamation undoubtedly does. Another example is the quality of proclaiming a statement, which is also an undoubtable quality represented by the Declaration Proclamation. These two examples prove that the Declaration Proclamation declares and proclaims something. A good something. The kind of something that makes people think “Wow! That is a good something!” . The Declaration, being a good smart concise legal declaring proclaiming factual stated complex computer-typed document, must declare and proclaim an extremely important something,  and that something is

General / Buzz Buzz Buzz
« on: January 23, 2006, 04:55:43 pm »
I know this is a strange question, but how exactly do you draw a mosquito?

General / Generic topic name
« on: January 22, 2006, 09:07:40 pm »
Just about everything can be used for a stupid double Entendre these days. Even the word itself "Hey Larry, check out those double Entendres" and many others. Weird, huh?

General / Hello ( this is the worst name for a topic)
« on: January 22, 2006, 04:14:04 pm »
Hi! I am Mr. Fortune Cookie. My friend Yaminomalex told me that I should join the forum, so here I am. Post some replies if you wish.

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