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Messages - Crystalman

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Cartoons / Re: Torrent
« on: July 17, 2005, 10:55:32 pm »
Quote from: "L1nk"
Where Can i Find The Torrent To Sesson 2 of MegaMan[/b]

It's on the downloads section?

General Games / Any Pokemon fans out there?
« on: July 12, 2005, 03:55:36 pm »
To this day...I still freakin enjoy Poke'mon. I think the games now are steps better than the originals. There was just too many annoying features in the original that made me had to put it down once in a while. Sapphire is great, but the series itself needs some more tune-up.

General Games / Megaman Legends 3?
« on: July 12, 2005, 03:45:11 pm »
Quote from: "Tiger"
I can think of two reasons there isn't a MML3:

1.  Mega Man Legends did VERY poorly marketwise, and was repeatedly accused of alienating the traditional Mega Man fans.  I liked it myself, but these are facts for the majority.  What can I say, most people suck.  :(

2.  Capcom sucks too.  They haven't stopped themselves from releasing actually shitty or purportedly shitty games before.  Just look what they did to Mega Man X4+!


I remember people moaning, because it didn't fall in the story-line of the original series. Mostly boarders bitching about how it was Capcom's rpg cop-out, and how they did it just to make a few bucks. What explains the sucess of EXE then? If anything that series could be a whole other game without Megaman. Maybe in a few years Capcom will get bored, and put out another Legends.

General Games / Megaman Legends 3?
« on: July 08, 2005, 12:49:32 am »
Im actually surprised there isn't one already. The first one was what got me involved in Megaman. It just had a great role-play element, and great interaction game-play. I felt like I freakin' lived in Kattelox! Part 2 wasn't as good as it's predicessor, and felt repetitive. Still, it was a great game. Why hasn't there been any talk, or plans for 3? I want to go back to Kattelox, or another city, and get into these games again!

About myTPH / Thanks TPH...
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:58:15 pm »
Quote from: "Lazlo Falconi"
Well thanks, being awesome is what we do! I like your idea, except that most of us don't like NT Warrior... but getting some Captain N might be nice, I haven't seen that show in aeons.

Wow, hate to hear that, bummer. Well, you could try giving Axcess a try (if you haven't already), I think they've picked up on it alot, except for the fusion with Lan, but I like the idea of Megaman in the real world.

Those websites host some original episodes, and all (except planet nes) feature good quality. Hopefully, no one will get hung up on the fact that Megaman is short, and green.

Music / Mega Man Anniversary Collection for PS2 - cracked!
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:45:10 pm »
Hopefully someone can do it with Gamecube, so there can be some ROM's woo.

Music / Mega Man Anniversary Collection for PS2 - cracked!
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:29:07 am »
Applause, I heard ripping from the next-gen console games are almost impossible.

About myTPH / Thanks TPH...
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:21:27 am »
I'd been looking everywhere online for season 2 for a while, and found this site, and I couldn't be more pleased. Thanks for being here.

If I can make a suggestion, you can start adding more Megaman shows, like Captain N, ( I can locate a few episodes) or season one of Megaman NT Warrior.

Cartoons / What's your favorite episode of Mega Man?
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:18:39 am »
Megaman in The Moon, Crystalman was such a bad-ass.

Cartoons / Episodes of Megaman OVA's Online??
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:17:35 am »
If anyone can help a shmo here, im looking for the downloads of either the OVA's or some Captain N episodes. I don't use BitTorrent btw, so I can't use those files. Thankx

Cartoons / What is it that you'all like about the Mega Man series?
« on: May 20, 2005, 10:18:52 pm »
Everything, from the cheezy science to the catchy yet repetitive themesong. It's not one of the best cartoons production wise, but one of my all time favorites.

Cartoons / Does anyone here know about the soundtrack album?
« on: May 20, 2005, 12:06:50 am »
When looking at the soundtrack, I thought it was a joke. Some good songs, but doesn't belong on Megaman.

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