Author Topic: protoman fanfic  (Read 11820 times)


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protoman fanfic
« on: March 08, 2005, 06:25:58 pm »
This here's a fanfic I wrote, based on Protoman (the character, not the tph guy.) and I'd like to know what you guys think. It's not completed. I have three chapters done, and this is only the first.

         A Case of the Blues

Part 1 Unknown diagnosis

   "Protoman, can you help me?"
   Still no response.
   "Can you hear me? Hello..."
   Dr. Light waved his hand in front of Protoman's face, waking him from his stupor.
   "Sorry, doc. Kinda zoned out for a second there. What'd you say?"
   "Never mind. I'll just get Megaman to help." He took a few steps towards the living quarters, but turned to Protoman again. "You've been like this a lot lately. Is something bothering you?"
   "No. I just need more sleep."
   "If you say so." Dr. Light exited, leaving Protoman to his thoughts.
   Was there something wrong with him? Was he having a mid-life crisis? He didn't know. Maybe he'd ask Megaman what it might be...
   Making up his mind, he stood and tried to find Roll. Maybe she could help.
   Protoman was strolling along in the hallway when a flying, red projectile came streaking towards him with a loud roar. Thinking ahead, Protoman pulled out his shield and blocked the object unflinchingly.
   "Ouch... Sorry, Protoman. Just trying out this new upgrade that Dr. Light put on my rush suit." The injured Megaman said to his elder brother.
   "Just watch where you're going next time. Don't fly in the hallway, either. Only in the lab or training deck."
   "But nothing. If I catch wreaking havoc in the living quarters again, I'll personally beat you with a 2x4. Now detach from Rush and do something non-destructive for a change."
   "You heard me. Go!"
   Megaman stomped off towards the lab, sulking.
   That guy's gonna get us all killed one of these days. And to think we trusted him to save the world nine times now. Did Dr. Light make him like that on purpose?
   Giving up on trying to find reason in Megaman's asinine behavior, he continued to the kitchen, where Roll spent most of her time. As expected, she was cooking some instant noodles for Dr. Light's lunch. It was one of the few things that Dr. Light liked to eat that wasn't high in fat. It was easy to keep his weight with Roll around, since she could calculate the cholesterol in foods with unparalleled accuracy, and make a food calendar that allowed a certain amount of fat but still allow a once-a-week treat of Dr. Light's favorite food.
   "Hi, Protoman. Are you hungry? I got some noodles cooking. I could make some soup if you'd like, or if you'd like some ice cream..."
   "Roll! I'm not hungry."
   "Oh. Ok."
   You might wonder why robots would need to eat. Instead of using a mechanical generator or solar power to generate  electricity, they use the chemical energy from food that humans eat and use it like fuel to power them. Alcohol works so well that they move at an accelerated rate, but it messes with their artificial intelligence program. Usually it's used like a stim pack for military robots.
   "I came to ask of your advice, Roll."
   "Lately, I've been feeling off. I get sidetracked, I lose focus, and I can't think on one subject for more than a few seconds. Dr. Light scanned my system, but didn't find anything wrong. What could it be that isn't a bug or a glitch?"
   She mulled this for a second. "Could you describe this feeling of being 'off' in more detail?"
   "I feel..." How to word this? "I feel like there's something missing. Like there's a chunk of me isn't there... Or something like that. I can't put it in words very well."
   She shrugged. "I'm not a shrink, so I can't think of what could help you."
   Protoman closed his eyes in disappointment, though Roll couldn't see it because of his sunglasses. "Thanks anyways, Roll. Maybe I'll feel better with some TV."
   "Dr. Light feels better when he has some food. Wanna have some?"
   He waved his arm. "I've tried that already."
   He turned the TV on and started to surf. Something funny might cheer him up, but Will & Grace just didn't seem to be fitting somehow. It was amazing that after nearly thirty years the show was still going.
   An action packed movie used to be exciting, but now it was such a bore.
   A drama usually made him feel better, knowing that other people were in worse straights, but now it didn't feel like that. He felt like the most unhappy thing on the planet.
   "Hey, Protoman! Check this out!"
  Hmm... Megaman always seems to be happy. Maybe I'll try doing what he does.
   "If I stick this straw up my nose far enough, I sneeze. Watch!"
   Megaman hastily stuck a thin straw up his nostril until it was projectiled out with a particularly voracious sneeze.
   Maybe not. Perhaps it's because I haven't beaten anything with a metal object in a while.
   "Hey, Megaman. Go to the lab and fetch me the biggest pipe you can find."
   "Sure thing!"
   The simple minded robot dashed out and returned in a few seconds with a long, heavy steel beam.
   "It's not a pipe, but will it do?"
   "Perfect. Now, hand it over and turn around."
   "Dr. Light! Megaman fell down again." Protoman yelled and threw the metal out the window.
   The good doctor walked in. "Again? I don't understand how this could happen. His balance program is in perfect condition. And how could falling down make the back of his head cave in like this?"
   Protoman had already jumped out the window.
   Landing gracefully, he began to think.
   Beating Megaman to a pile of scrap always made him feel better, but not this time. It still left him feeling dead inside. It gave him a good chuckle, however.
   Then another idea came to Protoman's head.
   Maybe if I explore the town? Perhaps I'm tired of that stuffy old lab. I probably need a change of pace.
   He began on his way, heading for the downtown area.

   Meanwhile, on the other side of the country...

   Wily was excited. Finally, he had a plan that wouldn't fail. And, for once, he had a backup plan to go with it, in case it didn't work. All he needed was the arrival of some news.
   The door opened, and his lackey Bass came in, looking smug.
   "How'd the plan go, Forte?"
   "Don't call me that. And so you know, it worked perfectly. Can I go kill him now?"
   "Patience. That will come. Did you do the other thing I needed?"
   "Yes, for the last time. Why would I be here if I wasn't done?"
   "Perfect! But if it doesn't work, you know what to do."
   "Yes, yes. Your plans will work, and I'll be rid of that little blue turd once and for all!"


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« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 08:45:05 pm »
Nice work
It looks pretty promising. Although there was no action in this segment, i assume the story has some. It also has a perfect blend of humor hehehe

When will it be finished?

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."


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« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 06:36:27 pm »
Well, here's the next chapter in my story. sorry, herb, no real action yet. I actually don't think this chapter was done right. I might rewrite it at some point.

Part 2 Robot in the city

"Wow. I haven't been out in a while."
Everything was new. The buildings have been redone, new signs had been put up, and robots walked among humans without problems.
Some people have small, private labs in which they create their own robots in. Dr. Light distributed his artificial intelligence computer design, so other people just used it in a robot of their design. The computer could support any design of robot, as Protoman knew when he saw a robot with rubber tracks instead of feet. Dr. Light didn't use the standard computer on his robots. Megaman had a computer with better reflex and reaction programming, specially made for fighting. It didn't leave much for the intelligence factor, however.
So many things. Too much for the simple robot to handle when looking up at them.
Looking down, however?
Protoman walked into an alley, inconspicuously. With a high leap, he pushed off against one wall, flying towards the other side, then pushing off it, repeating this process until he was standing above everything on top of the building.
This was more like it. Protoman was used to looking at things from this angle, so it felt like normal to him. Those years he spent wandering the country, all alone, it made him feel better looking above. Was this perhaps what he was looking for? A spiritual quest, like the first? It seemed so. He was fiercely independent, sometimes not wanting to have anything to do with any other robots.
During the reign of terror that Wily had on the whole world, random Wily-bots patrolled the cities, under martial law. Protoman alleviated the problem from a number of cities, helping make Megaman's job easier.
Jumping from roof to roof seemed to make Protoman feel better. Perhaps this was it?
After a couple of blocks, he felt empty again. Or was it hunger? Looking down, he saw a resturant made exclusively for robots, the Iron Plate.
Jumping down into another alley, he crossed the street and entered the eatery.
Who knew that robots came in such variety. One had a head that was shaped vaguely like a U, one had an arm that had an extendable claw, another had legs bent backwards, which increased it's jumping power massively.
"Greetings, good sir." A waiting robot asked Protoman upon arrival. "Welcome to the Iron Plate. Are you seating one today?"
"Yeah, just me."
"Follow me, please."
The waiter headed for an empty table by the wall.
"Will this do?"
"Can I interest you in our specialty drinks?"
"Nah. Just a Pepsi."
The waiter walked off towards the kitchens while Protoman skimmed through the menu. The Ichiban sounded good. He ordered it and waited.
"Hey. I know you."
Turning to see who said that, Protoman saw someone he had no clue who she was.
Who're you?" He asked her.
"I saw you on TV once. I think it was a few years back..."
"Oh, right. The one reporter that could catch me. So I released a city from martial law. So what?"
"Blues, wasn't it?"
"Yes, it was. Surprising that you remembered after all this time."
It was an alias name, so that no one could track him when he was wandering.
"That's right. I thought it was such a neat name."
"And what might yours be?"
"I'm Anastasia." She held out her hand. "Nice to finally meet you."
He took her hand and shook it. Having a chance to look her over, he felt something.
She had long, blond hair, down to below her shoulders. Her face was fair, her body armor a brown on gold color. Her arms were slightly smaller than Protoman's, but most female arms were. Her legs had more muscle than most other females. Perhaps she was a fighter? Not many like her are.
"What exactly do you do for a living? Do you just wander around?" She asked, no that the introductions were out of the way.
"Not always. For a number of years I did, but I took a break from it. I might do it again soon, though. You?"
"I've kinda based my life on yours. I take some jobs at the Academy. I'm a fighter, you know. I probably would've chosen a different path if not for you."
She continued. "I've been saving up to upgrade myself, but it's hard. My creator wants money for her experiments, but I really need some new equipment."
"Down at where I live there's a holographic training deck. I could show you a few tips and tricks."
She stood up, rather insulted. "No, I'm not that bad. What do you take me for, a weakling?" She asked for her check and walked out after paying. Watching her leave, Protoman felt a part of him go with her.
"You're Ichiban, sir." The waiter came with the bowl of noodles on a plate.
"Thanks." He picked up a fork and tried to eat, but found that he couldn't.
"Is something the matter with the food, sir?"
"No. It's fine." Protoman put a few dollars on the table. "I'm done."
Back out on the street, the emptiness had resettled. He was hungry before, but had quickly lost his appetite. Could it be that all he needed was some female companionship, but lost the chance to get the perfect one for him in a matter of seconds?
Moping, he headed back to the lab. Even if he found her, he doubted he could bring himself to talk to her. And even if he did talk to her, he couldn't change her mind. She didn't like him that way, and that's that. He can't convince her otherwise.
Maybe if I go to the Academy and ask if there's any other female fighters joined up. That'll help me along.
Turning around, he jumped at top speed from building to building, setting course for the Academy.
Barely ten minutes later he arrived at the huge barracks-like Academy. It was made of stone, with huge ten meter high walls. It was supposed to prevent enemies from coming in, so in an emergency the Academy is used as a shelter. Protoman scaled the wall with ease, however.
The variety of robots here was astounding. More kinds than what was in the resurant, by far. However all of these ones were built for fighting. Some had an arm cannon half the size of themselves. Others had turbojets on their back, to allow flight. One even had an ECM unit on his head. ECM's scrambled up a robot's balance system, so they become disoriented when used.
Finding the administration desk, Protoman asked the clerk if there was any female fighters signed up.
She typed on her computer. "Yes. We have two. Their names are Anastasia and Natalia."
So there's more than one. Good.
"Where is this Natalia at?"
"She's currently on an assault mission in Russia. She isn't due back for another month."
Damn! A whole month!
"Thank you." With a sad heart Protoman left the Academy the same way he came in. The sun was going down, so he headed for home.
A whole month until he could talk to this Natalia? He didn't want to wait that long, but it was looking like he was going to have to.
It was surprising how fast nightfall came. Within ten minutes, it went from a red sky to completely dark. Activating his night-vision program in his sunglasses, Protoman was able to continue without slowing down.
Hopping over a building, he heard a scream. A girls scream. Looking down in the alley, he saw what looked to be a classic rescue scene.
Two huge robots were standing over a girl with blond hair and dark colored plating. The attackers were heavy and wide, while the girl was not. She was cowering against the wall at the end of the alley, cornered by the thugs.
Jumping down, Protoman landed on one and crushed it's head inside itself. The other one ran for him, fists bareed. A blaster shot knocked it back, while a charged blast finished him off.
The robot shook underneath Protoman's feet. It was still moving. Jumping off, he punched it in the chest, his arm going right through it. It shook and fell over.
Protoman turned to the girl. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, thank you. I don't know what they would have done if you hadn't shown up." She stepped into the light, revealing her persona.
Protoman would recognize that armor and hair from anywhere.
"Anastasia? What are you doing here?"
"I was walking towards home when these thugs jumped me. I didn't have any money on me, so I don't know what they were after. I guess I need some upgrade parts fast."
"You don't need upgrades. I have twenty year old equipment on me now, and I do fine."
"That old? That means... You're right. Are you still offering that training session down at your place?"
"Of course. Tomorrow morning I'll meet you at the Iron Plate. We'll go from there."
She was happier with this offer. "Thank you! This is all I need to get better."
She happily scuttled off for home, rejuvenated at her promise.
Protoman felt like a new man. He leaped to the top of the building beside him in one bound, then skipping two in another jump. Never before was he so happy. Then he remembered who he was, and stopped hopping. What if someone saw him, the great Protoman, jumping around like some schoolgirl? He'd have to recolor himself and call himself Blues.
Calmly, he made his way towards Light Labs. As soon as he came in, Dr. Light found him
"There you are. I looked for you all day. Where have you been?" The good docter asked the secretive robot.
"I've been around the world and back. I feel great."
"Around the world, you say? My. I must be really smart to have made a propulsion system like that. If I could copy it, I could..." he wandered off towards the lab, dowsing in his thoughts.
Thinking of telling Roll the good news, Protoman headed for the kitchen.
He looked up. "Megaman, what are you doing on the roof?"
"I glued suction cups to my feet! Check it out!"
Megaman quickly ran a lap around the room on the roof, his steps making an annoying popping sound.
"What glue did you use, Megaman?"
"I dunno. It said carpenters glue or something."
He immediately fell and hit his head hard on the linoleum tile.
"That stuff only works on wood, idiot. Now you destroyed part of the floor. Dr. Light's not going to be happy."
"Ow... Please don't call him... I'll fix the floor tomorrow."
"What will you buy the tiles with? Spare parts? You don't have any money. Dr. Light!"
"No! Please! Don't tell him!" As if he never had fallen down, Megaman stood and silenced Protoman. "If he catches me wrecking one more thing I'll be kicked out! I'll do anything! Anything!"
"Anything?" What to make him do? He thought for a second. "I'm going to have someone here tomorrow. I want you to convince Dr. Light to make some upgrade parts for you, though I'll be giving them to her."
"That's all? That'll be easy. Dr. Light'll make me new stuff no problem. I'm the favorite, you know."
Smirking, Megaman walked off towards the lab. Shaking his head, Protoman went to find Roll.
As always, she was in the kitchen. "Hey, Protoman. Where have you been all day? Did you find what you were looking for?"
"That and more. I finally got what I needed. I don't want Megaman or Dr. Light to find out until tommorow, however."
"Tell me. Say it quietly so they won't overhear us."
In hushed tones, Protoman described his day to Roll. She was quite shocked to find what he had been subconsciously wanting.
"So... She's coming tomorrow?" She whispered.
"Yes. I've got Megaman convincing Dr. Light to make some upgrade parts, meant for him but I'll give them to her. Afterwards I'll take her to the Holodeck to give her some tips in fighting. During that time, I want no one to interrupt, especially Dr. Light. I know Megaman won't, but Dr. Light might come by, so I need you to keep him busy. Try to convince him to give you a blaster or something."
"Wouldn't be the first time. I'll try my best, though."
"Thanks. It means a lot to me."
"No problem. He might even give me a blaster this time."
Roll returned to her work, while Protoman sat for a second. If he was to do this right, he was going to have to trust Megaman to convince Dr. Light to make those parts.
Trust Megaman? Yeah right. I may have to intervene.
Deciding it was time for bed, he got up and headed for his room.
What a day.


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« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2005, 10:10:23 am »
Well i still like it a lot, ive actually tried to write some stories before, but they were awful. Im curious to see where the story will go from here

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."


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« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2005, 11:22:55 pm »
This story is on hiatus for the next while. I've been focusing on a story I'm hoping to publish someday more, but I do have this nifty (unfinished) metroid fanfic I wrote a few years ago that I might put on here too, since this site has quite a few metroid fans too.


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« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2005, 11:10:09 am »
sweet, bring em' on whenever you feel like it, i always enjoy fanfics

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."


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« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2005, 10:23:05 am »
XD I like this fanfic. Most of the ones I hear or read about now adays are just "another fanfic". This one was funny. And it's about PotoMan. How could someone NOT like it?

Take your time on making the rest. If they are as good as these first parts then It'l be worth the wait. ^_^
url=] Come check it out! ;O[/url]
Skull says:
I'm just to damn 1337 for hell.


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« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2005, 08:45:31 pm »
I fourth that...

wait a minute...i guess I can only second that

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."


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« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2005, 09:25:38 pm »
Ah, gee. Thanks for the support. To tell the truth, I lost my metroid fanfics. I didn't like them much, so I deleted them (delete DELETE, not just kicked into recycle bin) Perhaps it's best if they stay that way. Though I did find an older version of my next chapter 3 (I was disatisfied with it, so I re-wrote chap 3) I may just tweak my old chapter 3 to be better, it'd be better than nothing plus it has more plot oppurtunities than my newer version. (I am the king of brackets! Mwahaha!)

Byte Man Zero

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« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2005, 08:35:38 am »

Swift, you need to finish this.  It's too good to let languish in unfinished story Purgatory for all time.

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2005, 10:43:18 am »
Holy crap... A post in the General Section that I've not read? Buhwaah?
Soon to be a major motion picture!


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« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2005, 11:29:44 am »


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« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2005, 09:32:40 pm »
I still have a portion of the third chapter..... It's not finished, and I'm not satisfied with it, and I'm working on Innocent's Struggle, which HAS to be done, so....