Hey, I gotta say this site is awesome. I love all Megaman music, and have probably leeched a bunch of bandwidth from here
I'm a recording engineer, and I could have recorded everything myself, as I have my game systems hooked up to my mixer

, but this is so much easier! But, I have a couple things that aren't on this site and am interested in submitting them for others to get.
First, I have the full Rockman 6 Complete Works soundtrack. Actually I'm surprised no one else has submitted it as I've had it for quite a while. Second, I have a favorite song of mine, Select Jungle, one of the bonus songs from the Megaman Anniversary Collection that I recorded from my PS2 myself, and I would love to see a section for all that bonus music, which is brand-new. Well at least since it came out last year!
Anyways, thanks for all the music to download!