Author Topic: Why I've been gone  (Read 19305 times)


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Why I've been gone
« on: May 27, 2005, 12:34:03 am »
Some of you may have been wondering where I've went. Just so you all know, I have a very valid reason for it. (Sophih knows all about it.)

It started before I became a friend of Swiftman's. I was so miserable and depressed, I had given up on my schoolwork, and my normally higher-than-standard marks had dropped to below failing. My father had seen this in my report card. He was always the one who told me to continue studying, to keep my grades high, and maybe jump another year ahead. I was friendless, mocked on, so I had seen no point to continue wrecking the grade curve. When my father saw my most recent report card... He started talking to me. It started as a simple lecture, but it escalated to yelling, and eventually... He hit me...
I had to get away from this man. He was a danger to my soul and to my well-being in general. I didn't have time to pack any of my things, I just ran out the door. It was raining very hard that night. So very hard. It was so cold. I didn't know where to go. I was alone, truly alone for the first time. I didn't know where to run, so I went to the nearest person that I knew.


I managed to get to his driveway before I lost my strength. I had ran two miles in the cold, wet rain, and was too exhausted to continue. I stopped and lay down, but I couldn't stay there. I let out a yell, and to this day I thank heaven for those sharp ears of Swiftman. He heard my first yell, and was running out by my second. He saw a figure on his driveway (which is very long) and he ran, saw it was me, picked me up and took me inside. I told him what had happened, and how I could not return to my parent’s house. He offered to have me stay at his house until this was all sorted out.
For that simple gesture of kindness I owe my life to Swiftman. Not only did he become my friend in my last hours of despair when I had given up hope, but he housed me until a more permanent solution could be found.
Many people have not ever seen a person of true nobility and kindness, but I have. Swiftman is a true saint on Earth. His compassion is unparalleled by anyone else that I know.
But back to the story.
After I had spent the night with Swiftman, I had to return to school. At that day I told everyone else in the Posse (Swiftman, Broom, me, Kagemitsu, Garland and Kary, the latter two aren't on this forum) me and Swiftman told the rest my story, and they too were shocked and awed, not only at my predicament but at the true extent of Swiftman's compassion. They had not seen it at its full capacity, mostly his immature, fun-loving and Gunstar Heroes-ownage side.
I lived happily with Swiftman for the next few days. But, in the mail, we had received a true curse.
My father had disowned me. He made it official and sent my birth certificate to Swiftman's parents. They signed the correct papers, and now they are my legal guardians.
Not only have my ties to my biological parents been severed, but they had been lying about my age to me. I thought that I was always 15 years old, but I'm actually 14. I don't know why they lied, but they did.
All these things had happened within the course of one week. That is a lot to take in. But, last weekend, something else happened.
Garland, who is a very good friend to me, was riding Swiftman's quad a little too fast around a corner. I was sitting on a tree branch, watching Swiftman avoid Kary's 2x4. I got down to get a drink, and Garland came around the blind corner. The front metal bumper collided with my legs. I am eternally grateful that Broom had a driver's license, since he could drive me to the hospital. Both legs were broken, and I have to move around in a wheelchair. This may not seem bad, but Swiftman's house is not wheelchair compatible. I live in the basement with him, and he has big steps. Luckily Swiftman is strong enough to carry me. I can at least go on his computer and watch TV, and maybe play on his Genesis.
So in the course of a week and a half, I have run away from my first home, been disowned by my first guardians, and had the power of movement taken from me for a while, until my legs heal.

I wouldn't have gotten at all that far if not for Swiftman. I cannot thank him enough for his kindness. You all probably don't realize how nice this person is. He is the manifestation of compassion and chivalry, in the body of a 6'4 man that can run and move very fast.

So please, give Swiftman his dues. Show that you're grateful to him for saving my life and being more of a person than anyone could hope to be.


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Why I've been gone
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 01:27:31 am »
.....I'm going to be honest....And answer this as best I can, where I can....

I just have to say, that its sucks for you to have to go through something that bad.

Some of you may have been wondering where I've went. Just so you all know, I have a very valid reason for it. (Sophih knows all about it.)

I had my reasons for leaving for a few weeks...and I'm going to go away for awhile again soon....Why you left wasn't important. At least compared to when you were coming back. ;)

I was friendless, mocked on, so I had seen no point to continue wrecking the grade curve.

I don't even fully understand WHAT a grade curve is, but I know what its like to have no friends, and to be constantly messed with for no reason at all. But just becuase someone doesn't like you, doesn't justify not doing your work. I say that if you care about what someone else thinks so much, kill yourself and save yourself from years of hating every moment of life, otherwise stick it out, becuase nothing is WORTH killing yourself or just stopping everything. I'm a loser, fat, and a video game geek. But i'm not about to kill myself, or start failing school. Just becuase one person doesn't know what I have planned, isn't gonna want to make me stop for them.

He started talking to me. It started as a simple lecture, but it escalated to yelling, and eventually... He hit me... [...]My father had disowned me. [...]Not only have my ties to my biological parents been severed, but they had been lying about my age to me. I thought that I was always 15 years old, but I'm actually 14. I don't know why they lied, but they did.

I'm sorry but your parent are FUCKING NUTS. THEY'RE FUCKING NUTS. No offense though. I think that a good parent wouldn't disown his own child no matter what. He is a close minded dick. Just had to say that.

They had not seen it at its full capacity, mostly his immature, fun-loving and Gunstar Heroes-ownage side.

I don't even know the guy that well....And I've seen this side...ALOT...

I wouldn't have gotten at all that far if not for Swiftman. I cannot thank him enough for his kindness. You all probably don't realize how nice this person is. He is the manifestation of compassion and chivalry, in the body of a 6'4 man that can run and move very fast.

Honestly...that sounds alot like me...cept im like 6'2 counting my fro, Fat, and can barely run faster then I walk. But it just goes to show you, that you can find a real savour in the most unlikley of people.

So please, give Swiftman his dues. Show that you're grateful to him for saving my life and being more of a person than anyone could hope to be.

Honestly...theres not too much I can do. I can be greatful that he is a good person.....And possibly when we have our next Rp fight (which I know will happen soon -_-), when he uses nukes...I can just let him win.....

i know I only quoted the less important parts...hence the rest of this post.

You have gone through alot. Alot more then most do. You got disowned, your legs broken, you were lied to about your age. Thats alot more then most people ever deal with. So I congradulate you for getting through that.

Theres not too much else I can think to say. I'm just pointing out my oppinion on most of this post. But...I...don't really know what to say to something like that...

I've got too many thoughts right now, and can't sort them I think this is about the best thing you can get out of me.....
url=] Come check it out! ;O[/url]
Skull says:
I'm just to damn 1337 for hell.

Lazlo Falconi

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Why I've been gone
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 02:38:43 am »
Wow, that's a horrible story, but at least you had Swiftman to go to. I was just posting about how I thought he was cool for his Swiftionary, but now, I think he's one of the people I feel graced to know. You're also pretty lucky that Swiftman's parents can afford to support you.
And although I can't relate to all of that story, I, too, was always mocked untill I was in 9th grade (and I had to go through all 9 years because I was lazy) but then, when things at school were starting to look up, I moved to Alabama lost touch with all of my friends just two years afterward. Not that I was very close to any of them. They were all pricks and abused my trust at every chance. Now I don't go to school because my the public school where I live, frankly, sucks. It's the second worst in the state, and since my parents couldn't afford a private school I had to get a GED. Now I've no buddies, but I degress. This is about you. Just wanted to let you know you're not completly alone, we've all had troubles (not quite as bad as being dissowned) and we'll all try to help you as much as we can.
Quote from: "Lacus"
I was so miserable and depressed, I had given up on my schoolwork, and my normally higher-than-standard marks had dropped to below failing.

Just don't go all emo on us, kay? ;)
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Why I've been gone
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2005, 03:26:39 am »
yes, wow. that is pretty insane. great read, though. you could probably make a lot of money someday writing down your life story and selling it, if it continues to be that exciting. get well soon!


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Why I've been gone
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2005, 07:31:42 am »
Quote from: "Trigger"
And possibly when we have our next Rp fight (which I know will happen soon -_-), when he uses nukes...I can just let him win

Don't worry, Trigger. I won't use nukes again. (as a note, the Warmech used ENERGY nukes, not solid bomb nukes. Thought you'd know.... ^_^

I've been told I'm nice before, but am I nice enough to deserve a post about it? That's up to you...

When my father saw my most recent report card... He started talking to me. It started as a simple lecture, but it escalated to yelling, and eventually... He hit me...

More went on here than Lacus is willing to tell. I don't know what, but it wasn't good. She hasn't told me, and if she doesn't want to tell me, then that's all right.

You're also pretty lucky that Swiftman's parents can afford to support you.

My parents aren't the best money-makers in the world, but our house is completely paid off so all we have to pay is utilities and phone. We usually have just under 10 grand in our account, and Lacus isn't a high-maintenence child. She's very quiet, and isn't as big of an eater as me. (I can eat massive quantities of food, especcially over the course of an hour or two (though I'm not fat. I always can burn it all off by sitting [very high metabolism])

Thanks for the 1ups, Lacus! I never thought I was that nice. Though I'm not gonna let it go to my head (I'm a nice guy! Woohoo! Are you as nice as me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [No.])
and so you know...

1ups (pronoun) one-ups  1. To compliment a person on an aspect of their personality.

Just a quick definition there, for those of you not familiar with that term.

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2005, 10:29:06 am »
1ups is obvious, don't you dare think you made that up.
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« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2005, 12:04:14 pm »
I made it up myself, I never knew about it before in that context. Really, I didn't know.

Still, I think Lacus has gone through much more than she deserves to have. She's anything but very nice. She'd make a wonderful sister, even though at her old lpace she was an only child. She offers to help with stuff, she's funny, kind, and very smart. (no kiddin) She shouldn't have to go through all this.


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« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2005, 01:23:26 pm »

thats all i have to say. Thats truely an awful thing you've gone through, and I wish the best of luck to you in getting where you need to be

I'll be praying for you if you don't mind, and also thanks a bunch to Swiftman. The world needs more people like you.

also, i didnt know that so many people here knew each other. I wish some more Georgians would join

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2005, 03:55:52 pm »
Are you talking Georgia, USA? Or that Russian one?
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« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2005, 05:25:13 pm »
Wow....just wow.  I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.  At first I wasn't going to read all that (I read very fast,  I just got an extremely short attention span, go figure) and give you the whole, "Welcome back!" Deal,  but I felt that I needed to read this, as it seemed important.  But, jeez, I'm not good at this, all I can say is that I'm really sorry for what happened.  Oh, and Swiftman, I look at you a lot differently from now on.  You truly are an awesome person.


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« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2005, 05:51:20 pm »
Quote from: "Herb"
also, i didnt know that so many people here knew each other. I wish some more Georgians would join

Lacus, Broom and Kagemitsu are all people that I know personally (all live within 10 km of me) and I managed to convince them to join this forum. I thought that they do a good job of livining up the forum, however sparsly that post.

Oh, and Swiftman, I look at you a lot differently from now on. You truly are an awesome person.

Thanks guys. I didn't even think when I was carrying Lacus in my house after she ran. I never stopped and thought: "Wow! She might live with me! w00t!!1!!!" even after she told me what had happened.

And Lazlo, Herb is from Georgia, USA, not the Georgia by Russia (to the best of my knowledge. I haven't looked up Snelville in the atlas yet.)


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« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2005, 09:43:52 pm »
Snellville is a suburb of Atlanta, and its in Gwinnett county, it is the fastest growing county in the southeast (which sucks)

but dang, do people in the Russian-ish Georgia even HAVE internet and Megaman?

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2005, 10:21:57 pm »
Uhh, I don't know, but I live in Abalammy, and in the next week I'll be traveling through Atlanta, on I-75 which, no offense to you personally, is the worst part of the trip. I've never been through Georgia without being stopped on the interstate, or having a horrible smell overcome me. Although, I'm sure there are some roads in every state that are like that... I-75 just doesn't like me. I have no idea what this has to do with anything, but if you happen to be standing out by the side of the road one day, I will make sure to swerve and avoid you.
As long as you make it known to me that it's you, by holding up a sign that says "Teh Lazlo is my hero!"
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« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2005, 05:53:41 am »
haha i TOTALLY agree with you, and I WILL make a sign

Im goin to Georgia Tech next year, and its like 45 minutes away but the traffic still sucks

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."


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Why I've been gone
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2005, 07:57:03 pm »
Oh, wow. Swiftman, you're sure getting good responds. Wait until Morrigan see's this.

you could probably make a lot of money someday writing down your life story and selling it, if it continues to be that exciting. get well soon!

I don't think I'll do that, Protoman. This is too personal of a matter for me to just publish and let people read. Maybe Swiftman will write a modified version and publish it as a novel. Who knows what goes on in his mind.

Thank you, Lazlo Falconi and Trigger. You're responses sure helped.

Just don't go all emo on us, kay?

Don't worry. That's another thing Swiftman is good at. He can really listen if he wants to, and can keep secrets better tham anyone I know. (there's secrets that him and Kagemitsu share that only they know. They can talk about them all they like, since only those two know sign language, so we know that they do share secrets, just we don't know what. They talk about them all the time, and we have no idea what they are.)