Author Topic: Recap of the party!  (Read 6647 times)


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Recap of the party!
« on: November 23, 2006, 11:47:07 pm »
Well, I wanted to start the day off by playing the MM cartoon OST from start to finish, but I don't think my brother got out of bed until like 11 AM or 12 PM, so I started watching the cartoon. I wanted to watch all the episodes, but I didn't think I'd have time to watch all the episodes and do all this other stuff, so I watched these episodes:

The Beginning
Electric Nightmares
The Big Shake
Master of Disaster

Then I started the iTunes playlist, and listened to it, and left it on, so I could scrobble the playlist songs on, then I went upstairs and brought my iPod up with me to hang out with the few relatives that were visiting, and I had listened to the playlist on the iPod upstairs as it was being scrobbled. I didn't go into my room much until after everyone had gone. After everyone had left, I decided to watch three more MM episodes:

Campus Commandos
Bad Day At Peril Park
and Mega X

Apparently, I only got around to actually playing one MM game, which was the Game Boy version of Mega Man II. This was the first Mega Man game I ever beat, and I still remember that password for Wily's fortress way back from 1996, and I never had to refer to any sites or magazines or anything to get it. I've had it for all these years. Even if I have lost the piece of paper I had written it down on all the way back in 1996, I still know it like I know my own name. Since it's officially Friday, I plan to in several hours go to go to the Wal-Mart where I first discovered an MM item I'm STILL not ashamed to own 10 years later:here. And one of the best things about 2006 is that I FINALLY found it on tape. I bought two copies of the tape actually. One's still sealed in the shrinkwrap, and one is used. :) While I'm at Wal-Mart several hours from now, I also plan to pick up a Meat Loaf CD and I also plan to pick up Twisted Sister's Christmas album.


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Recap of the party!
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 06:05:41 am »
Meat Loaf r00lz. Sounds like a blast.