Author Topic: blah.... stupid reality.  (Read 41562 times)


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blah.... stupid reality.
« Reply #60 on: October 29, 2005, 01:51:39 pm »
Hi, I'm an anonymous user from a forum where someone has linked to this topic.

Swiftman, I need evidence, either a clear picture of the crime scene and what you saw, or personal information of this "Faris" you speak of, or it's damn hard to believe what you've just told us.

I find these kind of things really hard to believe anyway, but the evidence is just you witnessing this, and just simply one witness isn't enough, and there's not even ANY other evidence. I refuse to believe this bullshit until I see the facts given through personal information or a picture of the scene.

Pffft, like you'll ever give it to me anyway...


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blah.... stupid reality.
« Reply #61 on: October 29, 2005, 03:20:32 pm »
Wow.... this all seems unlikly, especially after all the shit I've read which has argued against you. When Lazlo first told me about that one girls death a long time ago, I felt bad about it. I couldn't really say anything comforting so after a period of silence I just said I had to leave.  I felt the story seemed, well fake. But lazlo said it was true, and for me that seemed good enough.

As I read this topic starting with the first post I had doubts, I mean 2 people he knew dying so close to each other, and the story itself(rape, getting pregnate, ect.) seemed really fake, but as I read that I just had doubts not proof against it. I never actaully spoke to these people, and I rarely talk to you, so I wasn't sure. But then Alpha Omega came in with the first spoken doubts. I thought he brought up good points, but I didn't know enough of the situation to truely disregard it, after all truth has shown time and time again to be stranger than fiction. It is possible.
Then Jody posted and this started nailing the coffin shut. She actually spoke to them, she knew you and them much more than than Alpha Omega(I think...).  So she almost completly convinced me, but for me I am always skeptical on anything, and I'm fairly paranoid. Then lazlo posted, and the coffin was burried six feet under. Even he doesn't believe you, he who seemed so close to faris. I wonder how he must feel, not only that a person he cared for is dead, but that she never even existed either, that her death was all nothing more than part of a game, she didn't have to even die, someone just felt like it.

Still, I am almost never 100% on anything, so if trigger comes back with confermation on these peoples deaths I'm sorry, but this seems really unlikly.
I mean
Is there something especially unbeleiveable with a silent kid, having trouble in science class with getting the teacher to understand sign lanuguage, becoming his friend, then him dieing by falling off the stairs?

Or a very smart girl getting chased off from devilish parents and going to her best friends house for help? And then diving into the wrong place and failing to survive it?

Not as much as the first but yea, really ironic, trouble is such irony isn't so common in real life.
The fact that these things happened so soon after the other with people is what makes it unbelievable. I really don't want to find out your actually making this up but all the evidence points to it.
After all, people never suspected that Ted Bundy would be capable of murder, or that OJ, would have killed his wife. Swifts crimes are not as great, but no one would have suspected it from him until he went too far.
quote="kefka"] < had sex with a lepper, got a burning sensation around the scrotom followed by erosion and itching.[/quote]

Alpha Omega

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blah.... stupid reality.
« Reply #62 on: October 29, 2005, 04:45:10 pm »
I know them a good little ole bit now.

I also know that the only person out of each and ever little tiny one of them with a personality that wasn't 2d was Kary.  And her personality is one of the most easily fabricated personalities you could make.
ump it up baby!

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #63 on: October 29, 2005, 04:50:46 pm »
I never said I didn't believe him. I'm still trying to get a hold of Faris' family, but the fact is that her last name isn't in the phone book (and yes, there is a way to look) and the phone number that I do have doesn't work. Trigger, Kary's last name is posted in the Canadian Thanksgiving thread. Her first name isn't hard to find.
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Alpha Omega

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« Reply #64 on: October 29, 2005, 05:37:03 pm »
Here's the split up.
We who say he lies:
Nightmare X

We who say we don't know:

We who say he does not lie:
Lazlo's sister
ump it up baby!

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #65 on: October 29, 2005, 05:54:53 pm »
Wow. Thanks. I really couldn't have figured that out before.
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Alpha Omega

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« Reply #66 on: October 29, 2005, 06:23:34 pm »
Quote from: "Lazlo Falconi"
Wow. Thanks. I really couldn't have figured that out before.

I know, why else do you think I'd post it?
ump it up baby!

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #67 on: October 29, 2005, 06:43:58 pm »
Because you're a dumbfuck trying to win an argument you aren't even a part of?
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Alpha Omega

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« Reply #68 on: October 29, 2005, 06:46:00 pm »
Because you have no clue what's going on.
If you did you'd realize how I fit into all of this.  But since you don't you try ot make up for your ignorance by insulting me, not realizing that you are, infact, being a useless douchebag and wasting your own time.
ump it up baby!

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #69 on: October 29, 2005, 06:48:36 pm »
Well then please, explain it to ignorant little old me, because I can not see how you, who joined after these events have taken place, fit right in the center of it.

As a note, I'm not insulting you, just telling you to get off my god damn forum.
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blah.... stupid reality.
« Reply #70 on: October 29, 2005, 07:01:41 pm »
Quote from: "Alpha Omega"
Here's the split up.
We who say he lies:
Nightmare X

We who say we don't know:

We who say he does not lie:
Lazlo's sister

Cough* there are a few more of us who believe swift.

Quote from: "Razel"
Okay, now, go head call me a retard or whatnot, but i believe swift.
Look, acting as just two poeple can practically kill a man. I know, I've done it. Two years ago, I messed around with a friend on another forum (a dead one, ill give the link too: and with that link to the site is a forum that is dead, where I was WAR) anyway. I made a second female account, and im going to hell for it. The longer i kept it up the worse it became, I had to stop because posting as two poeple is hard. acting as two poeple is hard. And it would, not only kill, but utteraly destroy someone with 3 or 4 accounts on just one forum. If you think I'm a basterd ok, if you think this isnt good enough, okay, but my god people how long have you known Swift (I'm talking to the memebers who have been on longer than me and the other newer ones) ?
~ if you havent, read it.


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blah.... stupid reality.
« Reply #71 on: October 29, 2005, 08:23:22 pm »

So I was thinkin' about the kick in the neck. Let's suppose they were both standing, which is probably how they were when she was stabbed. 'Kay, she's stabbed several times. So, to get him off and away from her, she kicks him. Supposing that she was shorter than him, if not dramatically so which is often the case of girl's heights compared to guys', then to kick him in the neck she'd have to kick really high. Which, could happen. But. If she's sitting there having all these recently inflicted stabs and is bleeding heavily (as one could safely assume), I doubt she'd be able to kick up high enough to his neck, without stumbling or tripping, yet having enough momentum (if that's even the word?) or speed and strength to give him a blow in the neck. Say she did do all that though. Even with a blunt steal toed boot, it wouldn't but a hole in the guys neck. It'd probably just send him sprawling out on the ground with a bruise to remember. Either that or a snapped neck.

Or, okay. say she was laying on the ground. He came at her. She kicks him in the neck. Still. Why would she be wearing some big frickin' clod hoppers around her house? So you were coming over and maybe you were gonna go outside. That could be likely. But I've seen a picture of Faris, and from what she's wearing in the picture, she doesn't look like she'd be wearing some big sharp high heels. Which, I could see maybe make a hole. But why would she go out with a friend in those anyway? But, nonetheless, if she was laying on the floor she'd have more balance to be able to kick him. But even with "heavy treads" as you said before, that would probably more leave a scrape acrossed his neck from where they kicked by. Depending on the angle. But if she kicked him, in the neck, with the end of the toe of the shoe which is wear the shoe and the neck would connect after a kick, do you think having heavy tread is going to matter? No. Tread is on the bottom. You don't kick with the bottom of of your shoe. But, if you did which is possible I suppose, it'd be like a big flat surface like: ( ____ ) <-that. On his neck. Even with heavy treads, it'd be a flat surface kicking in the neck. Would that cause a gaping hole in someone's neck? No. Maybe a tiny little hole from where one little tread pierced him, but they'd be like 1/8 of an inch deep, if that. So possibly he could have these tiny little 1/8 deep holes here and there from where a tread cut him. But that still wouldn't get him anywhere near a gaping hole.

Also, yeah with the end of the letter, there should be ranom characters here and there from falling on the keyboard. But say she didn't, fell to the side and off the chair or something, chances are still that her hand would have fell on it, or atleast dragged over it when she fell. So, that seems really unlikely.

But also Trig, on your little journey for information, I have some last names, first names, and some pictures.

Guess who?

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blah.... stupid reality.
« Reply #72 on: October 29, 2005, 08:38:31 pm »
He's got you all brainwashed. Can't use logic and emotion very well at the same time, so Make the fakes Befriend everyone on the board eh? Then you never ever have anyone figuring out that these people are fakes made for love, attenion, and sympathy.

Swift you idiot, All this Drama Queen Tomfoolery Is obvisly going to be found out, Noone has Cinderella-ish Lives. A kick to the neck dosn't leave holes unless your using boots with spikes on the front, Maybe Snap the neck, maybe bust your windpipe, But they don't leave holes in necks.

A single stab often dosn't kill, My Grandpa was stabbed in once, he's still alive. I suspose it isn't solid evidence, but it still decreases the chance of this happening. Oh wait, there were already no chances.

As for typing a message on the computer... Auto-Correction devices arn't incredibly accrurate, Often mistaking words for another. When  your losing that much blood, Hell, if you just got punched in the face, your vision blurs alot, More then enough to disallow the reading of fine-print. Even if she knew the keys by heart, it'd take her a while to figure out which key is which, Especially with the little time she had, The message should have been cut off at about 1/3rd of what you have there. BTW, why not use that time to dial 911, and then Stagger outside and Yell at the top of your lungs HEEEEEEEEEEEELP. Or just yell in genral. Same effect.

The moment a rapist showed up I would have run into the Kitchen And grabbed a Knife or something. Hell, Grab a chair or a lamp. Toss oranges at him. A mere Rapist isn't Scary enough to freeze you in fear very long.


And this evidence is just gathered from the first post. I could dig up a couple(About 7, give or take) more paragraphs.

Sincerly, M minus One.


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« Reply #73 on: October 29, 2005, 10:01:44 pm »
That's true, I didn't even think about that. In the time it took for her to stagger to the computer, she could have made for a phone or the door, instead of going to the computer saying I'M GOING TO DIE, I HOPE YOU READ THIS. Even if she knew she was going to die, she could have still dialed 911. They could have been able to save her maybe.


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« Reply #74 on: October 30, 2005, 12:02:42 am »
There is nothing I can say that will change anything here.  Its all been said.  I'm sorry if I sound like a heartless person, but I agree with Jody, Nightmare, and the bunch.  There are just too many problems with this whole story for me to just go along and say, "Oh man, thats rough."

And untill I have proof that any of these people are real, I'm going to stick with this idea.  And it isn't because I was convinced of this by the other guys.  This is my personal opinion
Chainsaw hands and text based sigs for great justice.