Index of /Music/Music/Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door (GC DSP)/

001 Story Intro.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
002 Peach Gets the Map.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:52      2M
003 Title Screen.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:55    522K
004 File Load.mp3                                  17-Sep-2007 06:00      5M
005 Small Intro.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:58    103K
006 Mario Bros.' House.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:49      3M
007 Paper Mario Title.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:55    497K
008 Sailing to Rogueport.mp3                       17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
009 Chapter Intro.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:53    289K
010 Rogueport.mp3                                  17-Sep-2007 06:00      5M
011 Enemy Encounter.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:50      3M
012 Event Battle.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:48      2M
013 Battle Win.mp3                                 17-Sep-2007 05:57    144K
014 Character Join.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 06:00     72K
015 Partner Abilities.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:58      2M
016 Professor Frankly.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:50      3M
017 Training.mp3                                   17-Sep-2007 05:55      1M
018 Underground.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:50      3M
019 Battle.mp3                                     17-Sep-2007 05:58      2M
020 Curse of the Black Box.mp3                     17-Sep-2007 05:59      2M
021 Thousand-Year Door.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
022 Petal Meadows.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 06:00      3M
023 Dragon Flyover.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:49      1M
024 Petalburg.mp3                                  17-Sep-2007 05:50      3M
025 Email Chime.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:48     55K
026 Level Up.mp3                                   17-Sep-2007 05:51      1M
027 65th Super Fun Quirk Quiz.mp3                  17-Sep-2007 05:58      2M
028 Answer That Question!.mp3                      17-Sep-2007 05:54    996K
029 Correct!.mp3                                   17-Sep-2007 05:53     70K
030 Incorrect!.mp3                                 17-Sep-2007 05:49     46K
031 Underground Fuzzy Lair.mp3                     17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
032 Sleepy Time.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:52    205K
033 Hooktail Castle Intro.mp3                      17-Sep-2007 05:58    278K
034 Hooktail Castle.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:49      4M
035 The Ceiling is Falling!.mp3                    17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
036 The Thievery of Ms. Mowz.mp3                   17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
037 Evil Jingle.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 06:00     96K
038 Meet Hooktail.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:50      1M
039 Hooktail Battle.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:49      3M
040 Koops Reunites with Dad, Koopley.mp3           17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
041 Crystal Star Acquired.mp3                      17-Sep-2007 05:57    235K
042 End of Chapter.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:56      2M
043 Grodus's Room.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:49      3M
044 Peach Kidnapped... Again.mp3                   17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
045 Bowser.mp3                                     17-Sep-2007 05:49      3M
046 Email from Peach.mp3                           17-Sep-2007 05:48    421K
047 Powering Up.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:51    385K
048 Luigi's Story.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:55      4M
049 It's Punio!.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:53      3M
050 Boggly Woods.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:55      3M
051 The Shadow Sirens.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:55      3M
052 The Great Tree.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:51      3M
053 Shadow Sirens Battle.mp3                       17-Sep-2007 06:00      3M
054 Madame Flurrie.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
055 X-Nauts Encounter.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:57      4M
056 Jabbies Attack!.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 06:00      1M
057 Lord Crump's Intro.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:56     99K
058 Lord Crump's Trap.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
059 Magnus von Grapple.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:53      2M
060 Magnus von Grapple Battle.mp3                  17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
061 Tec's Waltz.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:49    894K
062 Bowser's Quest.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 06:00      2M
063 Bowser Level 1-1 SMB.mp3                       17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
064 Bowser Level Hurry Up!.mp3                     17-Sep-2007 05:48     73K
065 Bowser Level 1-1 SMB Fast.mp3                  17-Sep-2007 05:54      2M
066 Bowser Invincible SMB.mp3                      17-Sep-2007 05:53    925K
067 Bowser Level Clear.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:52    163K
068 Bowser Down.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:57     77K
069 Pianta Parlor.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
070 Paper Game.mp3                                 17-Sep-2007 05:58      2M
071 Call Me Ishnail.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:50      3M
072 Cheep Cheep Blimp to Glitzville.mp3            17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
073 Glitzville.mp3                                 17-Sep-2007 05:54      4M
074 The Glitz Pit.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
075 Grubba's Office.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 06:00      4M
076 Glitz Pit Battle Intro.mp3                     17-Sep-2007 05:59    144K
077 Glitz Pit Battle Outro.mp3                     17-Sep-2007 05:57    129K
078 Egg Escape.mp3                                 17-Sep-2007 05:54      1M
079 Email from X.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:53    288K
080 Mysteries of the Glitz Pit.mp3                 17-Sep-2007 05:57      3M
081 Rawk Hawk ROCK.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 06:00      3M
082 Ousted Champion.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:59    174K
083 Grubba's Secrets.mp3                           17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
084 MACHO GRUBBA!.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:53      3M
085 Ms. Jolene's Appreciation.mp3                  17-Sep-2007 06:00      2M
086 Twilight Town.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:59      2M
087 Twilight Trail.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:49      4M
088 Creepy Steeple.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 06:00      3M
089 Doopliss's Me Time.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:58      1M
090 Doopliss Battle.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:54      3M
091 Bowser Water Level 2-1 SMB.mp3                 17-Sep-2007 05:51      1M
092 Bowser Water Level 2-1 SMB Fast.mp3            17-Sep-2007 05:53      1M
093 Zess T's Cooking.mp3                           17-Sep-2007 05:53      2M
094 Aargh! Pirate Ghosts!.mp3                      17-Sep-2007 05:54      3M
095 Keelhaul Key.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:51      4M
096 Pirate's Grotto.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:53      3M
097 Cortez Appears.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:55    173K
098 Cortez Theme.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:59      2M
099 Cortez Battle.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:48      3M
100 Load up the Disk.mp3                           17-Sep-2007 05:51     86K
101 Sea Trip with Cortez.mp3                       17-Sep-2007 05:57      2M
102 Pit of 100 Trials.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:49      2M
103 The Excess Express.mp3                         17-Sep-2007 05:52      2M
104 Riding the Excess Express.mp3                  17-Sep-2007 05:53      1M
105 Pennington's Mystery.mp3                       17-Sep-2007 05:57      4M
106 Dusk on the Train.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:53      4M
107 Night Train.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:48      1M
108 Riverside Station.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:52      2M
109 Smorg Battle.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
110 Poshley Heights.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:57      3M
111 Inner Sanctum of the Star Sanctum.mp3          17-Sep-2007 05:50      2M
112 Grodus.mp3                                     17-Sep-2007 05:48      3M
113 Castle Bowser SMB.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:52      2M
114 Castle Bowser SMB Fast.mp3                     17-Sep-2007 05:54      2M
115 Fahr Outpost.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:58      2M
116 General White Fires the Bomb Cannon.mp3        17-Sep-2007 05:56      3M
117 The Moon.mp3                                   17-Sep-2007 05:48    857K
118 X-Naut Fortress.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
119 Classic SMB in the X-Naut Fortress.mp3         17-Sep-2007 05:53      2M
120 Palace of Shadow.mp3                           17-Sep-2007 05:51      4M
121 Riddle Tower.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:53      2M
122 Down into the Shadows.mp3                      17-Sep-2007 05:58      3M
123 Grodus Battle.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:53      3M
124 Bowser Battle.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:48      4M
125 Shadow Queen Arises.mp3                        17-Sep-2007 05:57    265K
126 Shadow Envelopes the Land.mp3                  17-Sep-2007 05:56      3M
127 Shadow Peach Battle.mp3                        17-Sep-2007 05:59      3M
128 Shadow Queen Battle.mp3                        17-Sep-2007 05:55      3M
129 The Crystal Stars.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:52      5M
130 Final Battle.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:48      6M
131 Saving Peach.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:55      3M
132 Leaving Rogueport.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:57      6M
133 Trip Home.mp3                                  17-Sep-2007 05:51      3M
134 Shining Rogueport.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:50    994K
135 Here We Go Again!.mp3                          17-Sep-2007 05:58    230K
136 Staff Credits.mp3                              17-Sep-2007 05:55      7M
137 The End.mp3                                    17-Sep-2007 05:51    162K
138 Item Get.mp3                                   17-Sep-2007 05:53     46K
139 Badge Get.mp3                                  17-Sep-2007 05:51     57K
140 Star Piece Find.mp3                            17-Sep-2007 05:53     62K
141 Event Item Get.mp3                             17-Sep-2007 05:53     59K
142 Small Event.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:53     57K
143 Oh No!.mp3                                     17-Sep-2007 05:56     81K
144 Mario Goofs.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:53     58K
145 Battle Win with Injured Partner.mp3            17-Sep-2007 05:48    133K
146 Unused Theme.mp3                               17-Sep-2007 05:52      3M
147 Unused Menu.mp3                                17-Sep-2007 05:59      2M