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Messages - Antha

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General / Would I?...and should I?...
« on: December 21, 2005, 03:58:36 pm »
No, no! Keep him around! I vote stay.

General / Stupid Foot...
« on: December 14, 2005, 12:50:52 am »
True, Jody did say that, however the site as a whole is known for doing the opposite. It's like a whole site devoted to people who do the opposite. Like someone will tell them to stop fighting, and to be quiet ... but they do just the opposite. Someone will tell them to stop doing things and they do them anyway. However, I've noticed when people make threads for those kinds of things that those threads quickly die. It's like opposite day everyday on TPH!

General / Stupid Foot...
« on: December 11, 2005, 10:14:35 pm »
Just because you all asked so nicely I won't post it... but I might pm pictures... that is if I remember to take them...

Though, personally I dont' think it'll be so bad. Stitches'll be the worst part.

General / Stupid Foot...
« on: December 11, 2005, 09:25:42 pm »
Sorry, no pictures as of yet... maybe tonight, when I take the bandages off... ooo... stitches. Wonderful. Maybe not.

Thanks for the warm welcome too, it's good ta be back.

General / MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
« on: December 11, 2005, 02:22:32 am »
Happy Sweet Sixteen. Hope it was a good one!

General / Stupid Foot...
« on: December 11, 2005, 02:11:18 am »

Though, I doubt anyone reading this even cares I'm alive I'm going to tell you all what happened anyway. Don't like it? Then don't read it! Simple as that. I hate to sway you off of your lovely fight, however, I feel I have the right to do so. However, if your curious at what happened with the surgery and all... then read on my good friends.

First of all, thanks guys for all the sympathy, and best wishes, and all that jazz. It means a lot.

Well, we were almost late for the whole thing when we left all the paper work at home. But, we turned around, got it, and took off going twice the speed limit towards the City. We were there... about the right time. We got the paper work turned in, but for heaven's sake they asked the same questions 5 times! Talk about covering your bases, but that was insane!

But, they finally got me the right place, and it all went simpley swell! ...yeah right.

Okay, allow me to explain that I HATE needles. It's because of this one stupid nurse I had once, but I'm not gonna go into that now. But, they had to put an IV in me. For those of you who don't know, the IV is the bag of water that you usually see in hospital patients on thouse Hospital shows on TV. That took 2 needles, but that wasn't all bad. The worst one was when the nurse had to take blood. I still have a bruise from that one. Why did they need blood anyway? Wouldn't they see enough of it when they were messin' with my foot?

Okay, so I sat in my room for a couple of hours, and my papa was with me most of the time through that. They took me into an operating room which was FREEZING! They put a million blankets on me, to keep me warm. Then they put the seditive in my IV, gave me some oxygen (that was all it was, just oxygen), and I was asleep forever! I don't remember what was going on when I woke, or who was there, I just know I was back where I started. They said I could get changed, they gave me a Coca-Cola, and let me go home... where I slept most of the day.

Now... quick side notes:

Your back sounds like it was horrid Byte. How'd you break your back anyway?

...3 ingrown toenails on the same toe? I don't even think that's possible! Well... it probaby is, but I sure don't wanna hear about it!!!

Thanks again for your support ant stuff guys. It really meant a lot to me.

General / Stupid Foot...
« on: December 08, 2005, 09:59:23 pm »
Hey guys, I'm gonna be gone for a bit. My guess is that I'll be sitting on the couch, watching mutliple movies, cursing my foot, and thanking God for Perkaset.

It's just an ingrown toenail, so nothing major. However, it's still gonna be painful, and if you do see me online it's likely I'm not gonna be the happiest person around, but feel free to say hi, if you want!

In the mean time I will either not be here, or very quiet. I'll be back before long, don't worry about me. I just figured I'd let you all know what was goin' on in the world of Antha. If I don't talk to you guys before I go tomorrow, then I'll see ya when I get back!

General / Happy Black Friday Shopping!
« on: November 25, 2005, 05:58:09 pm »
I didn't go shopping. I stayed home, and slept! I'll save my shopping for the week before X-mas, like the rest of my family does.

But, we are goin' out for dinner. That's really all we spent money on.

General / Let's say some aliens attack..... what would you do?
« on: November 25, 2005, 05:55:27 pm »
Try to get them to go away by convincing them this a useless planet that has absolutly nothing to off them. And, it wouldn't be that far from the truth.

Unless they were friendly in which case... attempt to make friends. Who knows, maybe they're just unloved. (Is it just me or does that sound really lame?)

General / If YOU had a million dollars, would you spend it on this?
« on: November 24, 2005, 09:18:21 pm »
I dunno... I'd bet someone would buy it. THat's what scares me... that someone will prbably acctually buy that.

General / Happy Thanksgiving You Gluttenous Bitches
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:50:35 pm »
Lemme see...
Thankful for family, friends, a roof over my head, and the walls that hold up the roof too because without them that would hurt... how. Moving on. I'm thankful for all you guys because you're just freakin' awesome, and... food. In general I'm thankful for all the good things in this world, and beyond it.

General / Chemestry Notebooks sketches of doom
« on: November 23, 2005, 10:37:04 pm »
Quote from: "CJMErl / Yami CJMErl"

What is this? Little Shop of Horrors?
Feed it blood! See if it grows!

General / RENT!!!
« on: November 23, 2005, 10:19:43 pm »
As some of you know I'm a musical theater person. And, since one of my favorite musicals is Rent I am what is called a "Renthead!" So... being the Rent head that I am I went and saw it today.

The most inspiring musical on Broadway has now become the most exciting film in the theaters this Thanksgiving.

Rent, a movie musical is all about friendships, relationships, and losing the one you love. However, it is set in New York City 1989-1990, and it's the slums. So, there are drugs, strip clubs, and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome aka AIDS involved. But, just as a warning there are 2 gay men, and 2 lesbian women.

It has the original cast from when it frist opened on Broadway, except for two women (caracter names Joanne and Mimi). However, their replacements did an amazing job in the rolls they played, and deserve awards!

By now you're probably wondeing how someone could make a movie muscal out of what I've told you so far. Well, it's all Rock music, so none of it is like the old fashioned musicals. It's got electric guitars, bases, drums like no other, key boards, and some more orchestral instruments too. Mostly, however, it's rock.

I have to admit, I cried... hard, but it was sad. However, it was hillarious at the same time! However, be fore warned that there is bisexual kissing, not to mention swear words (but, I doubt you care about those). It's an emotional rollercoaster like you wouldn't believe!

I give it a 10 out of 10. The music was awesome, the acting incredible, and easily the best movie I've seen in a long time. My suggestion: GO SEE IT BEFORE IT LEAVES THEATERS!

General / Yo.
« on: November 23, 2005, 01:01:55 am »
Yay! I'm glad you're back Jody! We missed you. Please stay awhile! ^.^

General / Holy crap!
« on: November 20, 2005, 08:47:50 pm »
Happy Birthday! Hope it was good, and I wish you many more.

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