Author Topic: The mystery of stupidity...  (Read 44124 times)


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The mystery of stupidity...
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2005, 11:44:52 pm »
BFG does indeed stand for Big f\_/cking gun. At least to the people who use it. It has a "real" name. And it was stated in Doom 3. But I wasn't paying attention. But it does have a real name.
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« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2005, 11:58:59 pm »
Heh... I lost my guide to my original Doom, so I didn't know if BFG had a real name or not. (I had lost that guide for years. Wish I could find it again....)

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #62 on: June 29, 2005, 07:36:11 pm »
You guys and your Doom... grr, I never played that because I never owned a computer that could run it. I mean, the computer I have now might work with the first Doom, but even then, probably not. I was more into RPGs when that came out, and I never heard of an FPS until GTA 3.
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« Reply #63 on: July 02, 2005, 04:04:47 am »
I hate to get back on topic, but I loved both Halo games.

I despise Microsoft.

I also love many of the FPS's you all mentioned, especially Perfect Dark and Time Splitters.

Shall I go on with why I loved Halo?  Or shall I hold on to mine pearls!


Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2005, 04:09:47 am »
Do both.
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« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2005, 07:24:43 am »
Quote from: "Lazlo Falconi"
She was in one of the live action ones, and I believe there was a cartoon one with her. She was also in one episode of Static Shock where Static had to go to Gotham to help one of his friends.

Poison Ivy?  Yeah, she was in the 90s Batman cartoon, I'm sure of it.  I worshipped that show.

Er...whoops, I hadn't realized how far off topic we've become to notice you guys're talking about something completley different.


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« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2005, 08:52:46 pm »
Quote from: "Lazlo Falconi"
Do both.

All right.  Umm... I can't so I'll just do one.  HAH.  Bear in mind, I'm aware of both Halo's shortcomings and strengths, and those of many of the games listed in the posts above.  So yeah, I liked Halo 1 better than 2.  I don't think it was incredibly innovative.  Unreal did have some pretty great concepts.  Halo brought a very new and incredible physics engine to the board, though.  There were also a lot less "invisible walls" if you know what I mean.

Scenario:  A guy is standing behind a Warthog, hiding.  You think, man, if this was real life, I could just toss a grenade in the driver's seat and blow him to smithereens.  Or, I could kneel down and shoot his toes from under the car.  In Halo, you can do both of those things, while in other games you might be shooting what should be thin air but is for some reason impenetrable clear adamantium.

If you look closely and logically, you'll see that very very few games had such spacial considerations in mind.  In fact, I'm not sure if any did.  And if they did, no one did it as well or as completely as Bungie.  The "alien" thing was a bit too cliche, but I thought their characterization was very unique, and damn entertaining.  There were some key differences too, that being a religious order, multiracial, etc.  Not just a bunch of bugs who like to eat humans.  Still, this wasn't fully developed (and so it was very well) until Halo 2.

In real life, for certain reasons which for now will go unsaid, I have spent several years of my life working in combat situations.  It has always interested me to see how people fight (with firearms, archaic weapons, or unarmed, doesn't matter), because some people are good at it, and others aren't, and some people are so bad they are only good at getting other people hurt/killed (the primary reason I despise people who panic).  Anyway, combat requires that one choose when and who to fight and what with.  Some games, I've come to find, reflect this sort of thought extremely well.  Super Smash Bros., Halo (1 not 2), and SW: Battlefront are a few such games.  You're probably wondering how the hell these games accomplish this.  It's all about what the game allows you to do.  Maybe you just have to be a soldier or a great martial artist or something to understand, but I hope not, because you can learn quite a bit about people by watching them play those games.

Man I got so many IMs while writing this I have no idea if I said what I meant to.  And since I'm still getting them, I won't be able to look back over it.

O.o  Enjoy!



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« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2005, 09:15:38 pm »
Scenario: A guy is standing behind a Warthog, hiding. You think, man, if this was real life, I could just toss a grenade in the driver's seat and blow him to smithereens. Or, I could kneel down and shoot his toes from under the car. In Halo, you can do both of those things, while in other games you might be shooting what should be thin air but is for some reason impenetrable clear adamantium.

Accually, I was never able to crouch down enough to see below the Warthog. While in real life I would have been able to go into a Prone position, while in Halo I could not. :P

If you look closely and logically, you'll see that very very few games had such spacial considerations in mind. In fact, I'm not sure if any did. And if they did, no one did it as well or as completely as Bungie. The "alien" thing was a bit too cliche, but I thought their characterization was very unique, and damn entertaining. There were some key differences too, that being a religious order, multiracial, etc. Not just a bunch of bugs who like to eat humans. Still, this wasn't fully developed (and so it was very well) until Halo 2.

This is true. But, only games that were half-assed didn't have, at the very least, a very good storyline, and well designed, orginazed ways for both Freinds and enemies to function. And even LESS FPS's who had this done well. But there have still be plenty of them. In fact, basicly ALL of the more modern FPS's made have at least those things.

In real life, for certain reasons which for now will go unsaid, I have spent several years of my life working in combat situations. It has always interested me to see how people fight (with firearms, archaic weapons, or unarmed, doesn't matter), because some people are good at it, and others aren't, and some people are so bad they are only good at getting other people hurt/killed (the primary reason I despise people who panic). Anyway, combat requires that one choose when and who to fight and what with. Some games, I've come to find, reflect this sort of thought extremely well. Super Smash Bros., Halo (1 not 2), and SW: Battlefront are a few such games. You're probably wondering how the hell these games accomplish this. It's all about what the game allows you to do. Maybe you just have to be a soldier or a great martial artist or something to understand, but I hope not, because you can learn quite a bit about people by watching them play those games.

You know, I'm interested in why you would spend years of your life going through combat simulating situations. Was it just for learning how other people react? Or is there some kinda of other personal reason?

Aside from that...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I look more at how the person acts under those circumstances. I try to put them in the worst situation they can possibly get into. In fact that's when I'm the best I can be. I did 5 months worth of Art homework in ONE day, which inccedentally, was the last day it was ALL due ^_^;. I like to use stratagy with what I do, if I see some person with a deadly weapon, and one with less health, I'll find some EXTREMLY well way to kill them both...I have a knack for that sorta thing. And I'm a PIMP at SSBM.

Anyways, back to the point of Halo. It has GREAT production values. And many well thought out things. And is EXTREMLY fun when playing online with other people, though the Single player mode leaves much to be desired (which much of which was fixed in Halo2). But aside from that, it is a mediocre FPS.
url=] Come check it out! ;O[/url]
Skull says:
I'm just to damn 1337 for hell.


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« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2005, 11:42:37 pm »
Trigger - "Accually, I was never able to crouch down enough to see below the Warthog. While in real life I would have been able to go into a Prone position, while in Halo I could not. :P"

Fair enough, but I'm still standing quite firmly by the fact that the spacial and physics engine was impressive and still doesn't have many matches.

Trigger - "Only games that were half-assed didn't have, at the very least, a very good storyline, and well designed, orginazed ways for both Freinds and enemies to function. And even LESS FPS's who had this done well. But there have still be plenty of them. In fact, basicly ALL of the more modern FPS's made have at least those things."

Quite so.  Halo may be a bit older than you think though, although honestly I don't know when it did.  I do know that I bought it, and the X-box, several years after both came out.  Anyway, I agree with you.

Trigger - "Tiger -

'In real life, for certain reasons which for now will go unsaid, I have spent several years of my life working in combat situations. It has always interested me to see how people fight (with firearms, archaic weapons, or unarmed, doesn't matter), because some people are good at it, and others aren't, and some people are so bad they are only good at getting other people hurt/killed (the primary reason I despise people who panic). Anyway, combat requires that one choose when and who to fight and what with. Some games, I've come to find, reflect this sort of thought extremely well. Super Smash Bros., Halo (1 not 2), and SW: Battlefront are a few such games. You're probably wondering how the hell these games accomplish this. It's all about what the game allows you to do. Maybe you just have to be a soldier or a great martial artist or something to understand, but I hope not, because you can learn quite a bit about people by watching them play those games.'

You know, I'm interested in why you would spend years of your life going through combat simulating situations. Was it just for learning how other people react? Or is there some kinda of other personal reason?"

I did say "combat" and "situations" but I didn't say simulating.  Unless you count training/practice.  That's part of my job.  Having finished my last one, I'm waiting for another to come my way.  Which is why I have all this free time, which I must admit I'm enjoying; reacquainting myself with old funs and such.  Why I do the work I do is for personal reasons, and (like most jobs) money as well, although I am fortunate enough to be able to say money is secondary.  Anyway, as far as looking a bit closer at something like mountain-climbing or paintball or a video game like SSB, that IS to see how people react.  The true nature of someone is revealed in high stress, fight or flight situations, that really challenge a person's sense of security psychologically, physically, spiritually, you name it.  (Note:  A soldier who has had training, physical and psychological, probably won't reach that state as easily as a deskworker in Sassafrass, Tennessee, alhtough there are exceptions.)  Fight or flight captures it, pretty much.  Some people are cowards, some are brave, some will stab you in the back to save themselves, others will take a bullet to save a stranger.  BUT, it's not that simple, ever, since the world is gray rather than black or white.  Let's say the man who took the bullet for the stranger was wearing a BP vest.  That changes the situation.  To make a long story short, that's what I mean about learning a lot about people when you make them fight.  Fear of pain (even from a paintball) gets people to hide in places they didn't know they could fit, fear of losing (even a match in SSB) can make someone move their fingers faster than ever before.  How we behave when that adrenaline gland starts pumping is of utmost interest to me.

Trigger - "Aside from that...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I look more at how the person acts under those circumstances. I try to put them in the worst situation they can possibly get into. In fact that's when I'm the best I can be. I did 5 months worth of Art homework in ONE day, which inccedentally, was the last day it was ALL due ^_^;. I like to use stratagy with what I do, if I see some person with a deadly weapon, and one with less health, I'll find some EXTREMLY well way to kill them both...I have a knack for that sorta thing. And I'm a PIMP at SSBM."

Case in point, and well said.

Anyways, back to the point of Halo. It has GREAT production values. And many well thought out things. And is EXTREMLY fun when playing online with other people, though the Single player mode leaves much to be desired (which much of which was fixed in Halo2). But aside from that, it is a mediocre FPS.

To each his own!  Although I agree the single player was much better in Halo 2.  :P


P.S. - I could NOT figure out how to do the quote markations for this.  Enjoy the bootleg version.  I'm not stupid, I swear.


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« Reply #69 on: July 06, 2005, 12:20:14 am »
P.S. - I could NOT figure out how to do the quote markations for this. Enjoy the bootleg version. I'm not stupid, I swear.

Ok, I'll just do a quick review for ya.

Code: [Select]
[qoute] Type in what the person said here[/quote]

And it will come out as this.

Blah blah blah HawtnessMcSexyPants

And then there is...

Code: [Select]
[quote="Name of person here"]Whatever they said blah blah blah[/quote]

And it will come out as....

Quote from: "BlazingKary"
he kept one hand on me, and the other on the keyboard

So there you have it. NOW STOP BEING LAZY!!!...Cuase that's my job...*lazies*

Anyways, To each their own indeed. Whatever floats your boat.
url=] Come check it out! ;O[/url]
Skull says:
I'm just to damn 1337 for hell.


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« Reply #70 on: July 06, 2005, 12:39:36 am »
Ah, many thanks!


Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #71 on: July 06, 2005, 04:18:48 am »
Woo, I've been randomly quoted! SPAM PARADE!
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« Reply #72 on: July 06, 2005, 04:37:23 am »
Ziek haile mein Fuhrer!  ::bood clap, Nazi salute::



P.S. - The later it gets, the wilder it gets.

Lazlo Falconi

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« Reply #73 on: July 06, 2005, 05:06:59 am »
Heh, Aint that the truth? God bless America. Anyway, it's 5 AM, I should go to sleep now. See ya later, Tiger.
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« Reply #74 on: July 06, 2005, 10:39:39 am »
haha nice German

back in the day (when tere was like 6 members here) we had a germna thread because all of us can speak/type it


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