Author Topic: If you had Gates's money....  (Read 34978 times)


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2005, 04:06:04 pm »
I would buy my own town and towns people and rule them with an iron fist.
quote="kefka"] < had sex with a lepper, got a burning sensation around the scrotom followed by erosion and itching.[/quote]


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2005, 04:24:17 pm »
Then, I'd make my own awesome handheld with the power of an X-Box, the awesome design and sleekness of a PSP and PS3 and all the awesome games from Nintendo. I'd call it the SuperXspintendoboxcube............. 3.


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2005, 04:30:25 pm »
Lets see, what would I do....

Build an ice palace in the south pole

Buy a submarine, then put screen doors on it

Mass produce an army of destroyer droids

Take over Montana and Cananada

Rename Montana and Cananada, Montanada

Get Pepsi to sponsor me

Attack Luxembourg, finally ridding the world of those bastards

And, do something humanitarian, luck fund AIDS researcha and prevention in Africa.
Chainsaw hands and text based sigs for great justice.


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2005, 06:07:51 pm »
Im gonna host a fighting tournament where the arenas resemble SSBM arenas, and the only way to lose is to bit hit 100 feet upwards and into the background until you turn into a speck

"Being more than an hour late for your first day of work is a fucking power move. Let them know right from the start how you roll."

Lazlo Falconi

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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2005, 09:55:31 pm »
Herb was talking about ten terrabyte per second superfast internet connection that doesn't exist yet for household use.
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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2005, 01:32:53 am »
Oh, I think I have one of those.

Lazlo Falconi

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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2005, 01:42:36 am »
i think you don't.
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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2005, 03:34:54 am »
If I had that much money I would visit each and every  one of my "internet friends", just to make sure you all exist and aren't figments of my imagination.


then I would try to force people to like 2D graphcis and figtign games >_<


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2005, 06:03:02 am »
If you're all going to be so charitous, do us all a favor and do some heavy work getting humans into space... alive and in large numbers.  On Earth, we're running out of room, food, resources, air, and, of course, time.  So being mean might be nice, for the greater good anyway.  Or there's the space option... then again you might just be polluting the universe with the disgusting vermin known AS THE TERRAN VIRUS HOMO SAPIEN!




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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2005, 10:31:30 am »
But there is little to no food, water, or air in space.  All those resources would have to come from earth and you would have to use more resources getting it up there.  It is more practical, and more environmentally friendly just to stay here untill we find a cleaner and safer way to go into space.
Chainsaw hands and text based sigs for great justice.


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2005, 12:20:45 am »
Are you insane?!  Well... being Skull I suppose you are.

I'll try to put it simply.  There are more types of "air" and minerals in space and the universe than humans could ever hope to consume before the universe collapses once again... which won't be for a few trillion years by my watch.  Anyway, humans need Oxygen, but the air we breath is comprised mostly of Nitrogen and many other elements besides.  Food is made up of different elements, that, like all things, are combined in different ways and in the proper amounts to provide sustainence for whatever organism feeds on them, so that whatever life exists can feed itself, and other organisms, excrete, reproduce, die, etc. as per natural function to keep the myriad webs of nature going along.  Long story short, space has all of the resources we need and more, they just aren't in the correct form.  Conversion isn't easy, but we're already capable of self-sufficient existence in hostile non-Terran environments for months and even years.  All that's lacking is the money, believe it or not.

There is absolutely NOTHING practical or "environmentally friendly" about humans remaining on Earth.  Unless we start so succumb to disease more easily, find permanently efficient ways to use resources, evenly distribute the world population and food supply, depopulate steadily to a self-sustainable level... humans will just eat and shit themselves out of existence.  Even continuing as we are now, we'll have serious problems before the century is out, but if we continued this way we won't last the mellinium.  That won't happen, though, because when a problem comes along that must be dealt with or face extinction in the near future, humans tend to fix it... but just a little.  Not enough to actually fix it permanently because that would "take up too many resources and cost too much money to ensure the existence of future generations", and so mankind hobbles along through the centuries.  How long will it last, I wonder.  I hope not long... I'm pretty disgusted by it, even if I have to go too.


P.S. - No one has been asked to reply to this post.  If you wish to, by all means do so!  However, please read carefully beforehand.


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2005, 12:23:50 am »
AAAAHHHH!!! Too much to read. GAAAAHHH!! *Explodes*


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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2005, 02:00:08 am »
It's all right, mate.  ::pats Jehuty::  It's still a free enough country that you can choose not to read it.  Not so sure about Canada though.  ::shakes head sadly::


Lazlo Falconi

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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2005, 02:03:02 am »
XD I like the way you say that, as if to imply that Canada sucks. </master of the obvious>
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If you had Gates's money....
« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2005, 09:01:43 am »
Very good points Tiger.  But inorder to due much of that, we would need the technology first, which we don't really have.  We can re-process human waiste into drinkable water and process CO2 into breathable air, but processing food from various elements is very difficult.  And finding many of those elements outside of earth, within our own solar system at least, would be rather difficult.  

Our best bet for survival would be to recreate self sustaining ecosystems throughout the universe outside of our own worlds, but that process would take centuries, maybe even a millenium or two, and from what you have said, it doesn't seem like we have the time.

From what I can see, we are already doomed.
Chainsaw hands and text based sigs for great justice.